Last seen: January 10, 2023 10:48 am
I have had Norma's johnnycakes. They're not bad--but I definitely prefer Chicken Shack's. And is it just me, or do johnnycakes go really, really...
Neil: I found your reviews interesting because our experience has been completely the opposite to some of yours. We do love the brewpub for ...
We're staying on STX for four months and are paying $900/mo for a Toyota Echo--which, if you're not familiar with it, is basically a roller skate with...
What time is the event?
We ended up going with Marshall & Sterling. They were highly responsive to my emails and the actual signing up for insurance (at their office in Gal...
Thanks, everyone, for your helpful input. Bernie
Take away, for a moment, the fact that Bryan is a raving racist psychopath and focus on the wording of what this "delegation" is debating. Imagine if...
Beeski--thanks for the additional information. Very helpful, especially the stuff about the wireless router. I'll try the direct approach, bypassing...
Beeski: It doesn't do me any good to bypass the router because we have two laptops here that need access all day. And as for "have you tried qos set...
I am on a wireless router. The signal from the wireless doesn't seem to vary at all--always showing as nice and strong. But I think I'll try it with...
I've had the same experience as you: really bad speeds, so much so that I can't use Skype at all (which is a huge problem for me, as it's my primary ...
So no one likes Luncheria on STX? I thought it was pretty tasty, even if it is more Americanized Mexican. Bernie
I didn't touch the little bugger, but opted for the "smother" treatment, bagging him in a towel and releasing him to the wild. You never know--even a...
Yeah, it's pretty ironic: we all pay to house the same people who, in turn, terroize and rob us. Socialism in action.
Groomingril, spoken like a true northeasterner.
Had dinner this week at Zebo's and Dashi. Crappy service at the former, great service at the latter. Food was OK at Zebo's, really good at Dashi. W...
Interesting discussion here. As they say, there are lies, damned lies, and statistics. Forty-two homicides per 100,000 residents? A horrible number...
Are you kidding? It seems as if half of Boston lives here.
That's great to hear it's still in biz. I like their coffee a lot. Bernie
You guys have helped solve the puzzle. The one in my bathroom is just like the one in the shower curtain picture! Thanks for helping. Bernie
Tree frog, huh? I thought those guys were smaller.