Honorable Member
Joined: June 20, 2007 5:01 pm
Last seen: January 10, 2023 10:48 am
Topics: 56 / Replies: 467
Re: Opinions on condo complexes wanted

Thanks, again, for all the input. Very helpful! We actually do want to be near C'sted, which is why we were looking at the places I listed. We spen...

15 years ago
Re: Opinions on condo complexes wanted

Thanks to you all for the input. It's very helpful. Bernie

15 years ago
Re: Good Experience at the DMV

I had a similar experience as Linda in March. When I renewed my registration, I was in and out in about an hour. Really different from last year, wh...

15 years ago
Re: Dirt road to Annaly Bay Tide Pools

Last time I was there, in April, that road was horrendous. Even the guys in the Tan Tan tour Jeeps had trouble navigating it. Be very careful.

15 years ago
Re: STX car question.

I third Neil. I've got a Wrangler and it's been great, especially for Sandy Point and Scenic Drive. It's durable, really durable. We're off island ...

15 years ago
Re: Opinions on condo complexes wanted

Right--forgot that. It's also on our list.

15 years ago
Replies: 18
Views: 2706
Re: IPHONE question

Same with me on my iPhone. Started happening a few months ago. Still not working.

15 years ago
Re: Happy Shark Week

We say a pretty decent size reef or lemon shark (not sure which it was) inside the reef at Buck Island earlier this year. And we saw another of the s...

15 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

Regarding Angry Nates: I can say the quality of the food we've had there has been pretty good and consistent. The service, however, has been absolut...

15 years ago
Re: Off the Wall, armed robbery last night

Well clearly there's a cultural shift that needs to happen for any progress to be made. Until it becomes unacceptable in the community and police for...

15 years ago
Re: Off the Wall, armed robbery last night

Truly distressing to read about this. We spend a lot of time on the North Shore generally and at Off the Wall specifically. We desperately need a re...

15 years ago

I will also attest to the great service BBVI provides. I have had trouble in the past with maintaining a steady Web connection (lots of peaks and val...

15 years ago
Re: Looking for STX rental Jan-Apr 2011

I know that it's definitely OK to wait, but the past two years we've been able to lock up our place by July--so, hoping to have the same luck! Be...

15 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 918
Re: STX - east end vs west end

In my opinion, for your age range, definitely West End (or North Shore). West tends to be a younger crowd and has more active beach bars. However, E...

15 years ago
Re: 12 Reasons To Check out STX

Overall, great publicity for the island. However, I might say she overplays the beaches a bit. While our beaches are nice, I don't think they qualif...

15 years ago
Re: Ariona Law

Wow. I must admit, I'm perplexed by all the confusion and teeth gnashing about this law. First, it's interesting to me that a state had to pass a la...

15 years ago
Re: VI Senate Approves Borrowing $250 Million

Absolutely ridiculous. It's amazing that governments everywhere all seem to have the same inability to live within their means. Bernie

15 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

While I've thought that Zebos kitchen was in decline for sometime now, I have to say it may officially be there, and if it's not... I'm scared to see ...

15 years ago
Re: Fire on Sierra Verde/Teague Bay ridge

Yeah, that's probably the reason our electricity went out for a while at The Reef. Might have been started by a short or something on one of the pole...

15 years ago
Re: Obtaining A PO Box on STX

You can also get one at Mailboxes and More in Sunny Isle. Not the PO, but, I think, much better in terms of service. And you don't need to be a resi...

15 years ago
Re: Kronegade Inn...................

Never stayed there, but the neighborhood it's in is pretty sketchy. Not sure what your budget is, but there are probably other places that I'd recomm...

15 years ago
Re: conch chowder

I think I've seen it once at Sandcastle. I know Chicken Shack has several preparations of conch, but don't recall seeing it in chowder form. What ab...

15 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 1751
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