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Joined: July 27, 2005 1:03 pm
Last seen: October 9, 2021 4:38 pm
Topics: 3 / Replies: 203
Re: Why?

All citizans are equal, but some citizans are more equal. Ever read "Animal Farm" by George Orwell?

17 years ago
Re: Solar Power and STX questions

EngRMP, Your words give away your youth and inexperience. The best solar cells based on silicon, like NASA uses, are only about 10% efficient at co...

17 years ago
Re: stx today,comments

Hi trw and all, I was the dork that found trw at work. Momabear has wanted to get back there for brunch for a year and a half. It was very good and...

17 years ago
Re: Recommendations for Mother's Day Brunch on STX

I'll add my vote for Blue Moon. No only is the food very good, last Nov. we were flying out on a Sunday early PM and our waiter made sure our order w...

18 years ago
Re: Verizon on STJ?

My son called me last year from the Beach Bar on his Verizon phone. In two weeks I plan on doing the same to him.

18 years ago
Re: College Hill

Promoguy, All the kids are black. I'm watching right now for the frst time. No racial sereo typing that I can tell. After 10 min. I see that The ...

18 years ago
Re: STT, Car registration, insurance mockery

Here in CT when you sell your car you must take the plates off and return them to the DMV. Is it not this way in the VI? The new owner can get a temp...

18 years ago
Re: Unused Education Funds

dntw8up, Hope I didn't offend. I guess I was reacting to the letters in the STX Source. Bassman

18 years ago
Re: Unused Education Funds

I find it ironic that so many in the USVI complain about being oppressed by the Federal Gov. and then lose millions of dollars in aid. Who really is ...

18 years ago
Re: best home made rum drink

Ron, I find it interesting that Mt. Gay used to be your favorite. Was the switch to Cruzan do solely on flavor, smoothness? Or was it for purely ...

18 years ago
Re: best home made rum drink

jenn, I don't believe the Bacardi people use 7-Up. The last I knew was that the Bacardi owner also owns the Coca-Cola bottling plant on PR. They O...

18 years ago
Re: rural living on STX

You can buy a great map of STX (on one side, STT $ STJ on the other) by Franko at VI You can link to that site from the home page of vino...

18 years ago
Re: camera store on STT

I'll second the vote for Royal Caribbean. I've bought a conventional film Pentax SLR camera (ZX 7) in 1999, compact digital Cannon powershot in 2002...

18 years ago
Re: picking hotel for PMV on stx

I would suggest Cottages by the Sea. Not expensive and each room has a full kitchen so you can shop and cook your own meals. It's on the west end so...

18 years ago
Re: STX Restaurant suggestions for Thanksgiving?

We have a reservation at the Beachside Cafe(?) at Sand Castle on the Beach in F'sted that evening so they better be open! Are you looking for somethi...

18 years ago
Re: Cheap tickets to STX?

Thanks for the responses. I'll go back and pick up the bags after we grocery shop and check into Cottages by the Sea. We won't be very far from the ...

18 years ago
Re: Cheap tickets to STX?

PZ, I'm flying AA to STX through SJU on Thanksgiving. My flight out of SJU on Am Eagle is 2 and 1/2 hrs. after my scheduled arrival. There is an A...

18 years ago
Re: Road Tax Sucker

JeN, I checked on line and found that the 1998 Civic 's weight is listed at 2342 lbs. for a stripped manual trans. up to 2551 for the loaded EX aut...

18 years ago
Re: Favorite STX Restaurants

Add Kim's for some of the best west Indian. If there's better, let me know.

18 years ago
Re: island banking

When I visit, I use the ATM at the Scotia Bank in F'sted because they don't charge me a fee on my Wachovia account. I think all the banks on STX hav...

18 years ago
Re: Event Calendar

Thanks Dan. I didn't know or didn't remember that there was an event calender on VINOW. I see that I'll be able to make the Jump UP and the art show...

19 years ago
Re: New to Starving Artist...advice?

When is the show in November? If it's after the 23rd I'll make a point of checking it out. We are always on the look out for island art.

19 years ago
Re: house hunting

I'll second the recommendation of Alexandra. Go to her web site that is listed on this site, She has got to be the hardest work...

19 years ago
Re: Travelwoman is gone

My condolences to Mike. So sorry for your loss. Bassman

19 years ago
Re: Just received a Job proposal. NEED HELP

Hey STT Resident, You must be using the "tax book" math. You deducted $500/month from farasha's income. I get $3833/per month when I calculate it....

19 years ago
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