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Joined: July 27, 2005 1:03 pm
Last seen: October 9, 2021 4:38 pm
Topics: 3 / Replies: 203
Re: E & D Eatery At Intersection Of West Airport Road/70

Thanks for the clarification. We'll definitely try them the next time we're on island..

12 years ago
Re: E & D Eatery At Intersection Of West Airport Road/70

If you st the redlie, its directly in front of you. I didn't quite get what you were trying to say.

12 years ago
12 years ago
Re: Favorite Restaurant on St. Thomas

Last Sunday was our last night of an eleven night stay on STT and Tortola. We had dinner at Mofoalie's and the lamb was outstanding. It had to be th...

12 years ago
Re: missing toddlers near h20

Reminds me of an experience at a Jump Up in C'sted a few years ago. A little boy, about 4 or 5 years old got separated from his father/family and wa...

12 years ago
Re: Interesting article on cruise ships and shopping

Ronnie, I'm not doubting you but, the last time I was at the market there was one young lady that had, what I perceived as original jewelry. Not li...

12 years ago
Re: Favorite Restaurant in STX

Harvy's for lunch. Does anyone goto Salud anymore?

12 years ago

Old Tart, Hope your kitty comes home. We had a similar situation when we moved into our current home. It was the third home for our Shadow Kitty s...

13 years ago
Re: Royal Caribbean Stores - Why I Love Them

I've bought more than a half dozen cameras from Royal Caribbean for myself, family and friends over the las 15 years. Always got good prices and the ...

13 years ago

I was on Alex'es case about his LOONNGG vacation last week. He knows he's missed but he and his family are having a great time and promised to be bac...

13 years ago
Re: Looking to Hire Someone to Clear an Overgrown Lot - STX

So glad to see you're still with us. As the others have said, I too worried that something had happened to you to cause your absence. I hope all has...

13 years ago
Re: Cigarette butts on the beaches

From my observations last week on STX, it seems that the latest generation of 20 somethings have not been trained by their parents to tidy up after th...

13 years ago
Re: Mexican Food at St. Croix. MIRIAM'S RESTAURANT & BAR

Perhaps the comments about Miriam's should have been posted in the STX Restaurant thread. And let me give a Promo for T&T... WE always had wonderfu...

13 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

Brunch at Waves has become our ritual on leaving Sunday. The lobster Benedict is yummy.

13 years ago
Re: St commercials

Well, someone is doing something about air fares. Since Jan.2 AA has had fares to STT and STX for less than $400 and some for as low as $300 RT. I h...

13 years ago
Re: Rowdy Joe's Feedback

She works at all the places I frequent when I'm on island. I must have run into her before but I'm terrible with names. I'll look for her on the nex...

13 years ago
Re: Rowdy Joe's Feedback

What nights does Ryan work at Rowdy Joe's. I'll look for her when were back in a few weeks.

13 years ago
Re: Buck Island

Chief, I think Mile Mark goes back away. Went with them our first time back in 2004. I think they're Caribbean Adventures now.

13 years ago
Re: verizon cell phones

Hey, aparrot, who do you talk to for 5 hours on the phone over 2 weeks? When you're on island?

13 years ago
Re: VI Smoking Ban In Restaurants Should Result In Health Care Savings

I find it hard to believe that banning smoking in restaurants has resulted in any measurable health improvements in the general population. The numbe...

13 years ago
Re: Salsa Dancing/Pizzeria in STX

JulieKay- Do you like Pepe's or Salie's pizza.

13 years ago
Re: Superbowl Sunday

Thanks for the website, Bob. It will come in handy when we're back in May.

13 years ago
Re: Relocating and unsure about things

My favorite bars, Duffy's on STT and Rhythms on STX, always seem to have pretty young ladies working there. Maybe that's why they're my favorites. M...

13 years ago
Re: What is Willie's Wish?

On STX. On the north shore road just west of Cane Bay. We wish too, every time we drive by.

13 years ago
Re: coach handbags

There's a guy with a pop up booth set up on the street corner outside of the Purple Papaya. He was there for Jump-Up and later in the week when we we...

13 years ago
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