Prominent Member
Joined: May 27, 2007 12:58 pm
Topics: 61 / Replies: 815
Re: ecigs

The Greensmoke is one of the cheap commercial ones, speee1dy. It will get you started though. If you like it, buy a good one! If you have to keep...

12 years ago
Re: ecigs

Buy a good one and you'll love it. Buy a cheap commercial one, not so much. Start here:

12 years ago
Re: Science anyone?

3. I thought Who's Missing was pretty weak - some interesting songs to be sure - but Two's Missing was definitely the better buy. Wait...what wer...

12 years ago
Re: Science anyone?

OK, I'll play 🙂 1. They get in there from over wash during storms? They can't survive there due to rapid changes in salinity and temperature? H...

12 years ago
Re: Summer Songs

Turn it up!

12 years ago
Re: Nonstop from Charlotte to STX?

Pets? Does US Airways fly pets in cargo?

12 years ago
Re: Blue Water Terrace - not a good night

Opens at 5PM? LOL OK, that answers that. Thanks, Yearasta

12 years ago
Re: moringa trees ??

But it tastes gawdawful. I fed it to the chickens smile

12 years ago
Re: Blue Water Terrace - not a good night

What are the hours for The Lost Dog? I've tried to get a pizza there half a dozen times but they are always closed!

12 years ago
Re: Dog Food...

That is a great site, thank you. Guess you missed this thread. 😀 Ha! I don't think I'll head down that path big grin Where do yo...

12 years ago
Re: Dog Food...

Where are you getting your meat scraps, Jamison? I use these guidelines and I'm quite pleased with the results. It's not cheap though. You must h...

12 years ago
Re: Dog Food...

Well, I'll go along with much healthier and that's why I do it. But cheap and easy? Um, no, not so much...LOL

12 years ago
Re: Science anyone?

Gluttonous gasbag! Those were MY asteroids! big ornery grin

12 years ago
Re: Science anyone?

1. I don't know but it better not be Jupiter. I hate Jupiter! Welcome back, Swanny 🙂

12 years ago
Re: Any thoughts on Zimmerman's aquittal ?

My take on this... There's always a chain of causality leading up to any event. Break any link in the chain and you may get a different result. T...

12 years ago
Re: Thinking about moving, but have some concerns. Thoughts?

99.9%...impressive number. Does a proper earth ground also protect in instances of brownouts and sags?

12 years ago
Re: Thinking about moving, but have some concerns. Thoughts?

The current here is dirty. Those are my losses over an 8-year period and I'm far from the only one losing electronics. Several years ago, a tech with ...

12 years ago
Re: Thinking about moving, but have some concerns. Thoughts?

Just off the top of my head, I've lost 3 ceiling fans, one computer, one printer, one stereo, one TV, and five surge suppressors. WAPA? Probably. Bro...

12 years ago
Re: Driver's Ed

Add to the above..."yield" is not in the local vocabulary.

12 years ago
Re: It's not about the nail

Bwahahaha...been there!

12 years ago
Re: Star viewing. What does the night sky look like on STX?

Well, damn! Nice photos. It obviously varies by location. The number of stars I see in my night sky looks more like your first picture than your ...

12 years ago

I've heard that the Mosquito Magnet and Skeetervac work quite well. The best placement for them is on your neighbor's property. Man, they are thi...

12 years ago

I don't recommend the Dynatrap. Had one and it sucked. It catches lots of moths and whatnots but not that many skeeters. It's poorly made and the bulb...

12 years ago
12 years ago
Replies: 30
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