Prominent Member
Joined: May 27, 2007 12:58 pm
Topics: 61 / Replies: 815
Re: Census 2010

5:30PM to 9PM??? LOL...I'm so glad that I don't have that job! They've got a gauntlet to run to get in here after dark - multiple gates - multiple dog...

15 years ago
Re: what do you think of the smoking ban

Thanks Lizard! I agree with stiphy. This is an attempt to erode property rights.

15 years ago
Re: what do you think of the smoking ban

So, the right to dine where you want to does not exist, correct? The property owner/restaurant owner has the right to establish the rules and policies...

15 years ago
Re: what do you think of the smoking ban

Legal Eagles, please weigh in on this one. Rotorhead said: ” …If you are a restaurant owner you do not have a right to exclude people that you do...

15 years ago
Re: Cleaning Service

Here's why there were no fitness clubs in the 50's

15 years ago
Re: what do you think of the smoking ban

I heard on the radio that enforcement of the proposed smoking ban will fall primarily on Health Dept inspectors with powers also granted to the police...

15 years ago
Re: what do you think of the smoking ban

Uh...yeah...comparing physical assault with smoking in an open air environment is a bit of a stretch. But, OK, if we're going to legislate everything ...

15 years ago
Re: Crucians.....I need brutal honesty

LOL...did you see Frederiksted after the carnival parades? Can you say OMG? It is what it is whether people choose to see it or not. Lots of litt...

15 years ago
Re: Crucians.....I need brutal honesty

or the west end beaches? Very trashy.

15 years ago
Re: Must Have

"....wife for emergency use."??? LOL...oh yeah...that's a must have! 😀

15 years ago
Re: USPS Short Staffed or Proving a Point?

I've only had one package go "missing" while on island. It was shipped from the NE mainland and that's where the online tracking ended. It just disapp...

15 years ago
Re: Seriously, what's up with the weather?

A change soon come. Sea surface temperatures are forecast to be higher than normal this season and winds lighter than normal. Gonna be a hot summ...

15 years ago
Re: Seriously, what's up with the weather?

I am soooo enjoying this weather! The cool air is delightful and rain for the fruit trees and cistern can only be seen as a good thing. I do understan...

15 years ago
Re: a grammar lesson...

Yup. I read it. That's not a bad summary. If Section 17 of Act No. 6019 was intended to appropriate money for our roads, then the Governor correc...

15 years ago
Re: a grammar lesson...

Lemme see..."of roads" restricts only the noun "resurfacing"....OK, yup, I get that. So, money was appropriated for 4 separate things but... If n...

15 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 1603
Re: 16 x 6 = 96

How many hours you worked last week?

15 years ago
Re: Beware of Thieves

Thanks chockman. Heh heh, yeah, a new skill that I can add to my resume as a direct result of moving to the islands - the ability to give an accurate ...

15 years ago
Re: Beware of Thieves

LOL...Jay! Maybe the police were giving it to me straight. I never heeded their "cookie" advise and look what happened to me! West end beach goer...

15 years ago
Re: Vehicle Mileage and Shipping

My truck had over 200K on it when I shipped it over 3 years ago. No problem. I don't know if anything has changed though.

15 years ago
Re: Beware of Thieves

GoodToGo That just leaves you open to the next level of attack. When I left the truck unlocked and the windows down, they stole my battery. ...

15 years ago
Re: Beware of Thieves

Can't a fella get any sleep here? The same jokers have been hitting the west end beaches for years now. I personally have been hit 3 times and I ...

15 years ago
Re: Sobering STX Reviews

Hrmph! Who has awakened me from my slumber? Ah, the topic of crime raises its ugly head again... Greetings tubbyscubby! Welcome. Ever wonder...

15 years ago
Re: Just found a puppy...

The Daily News will run an ad for a found pet free of charge. The cost of printing a sign on your computer is perhaps 2 cents. You can call the shelte...

15 years ago
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