Prominent Member
Joined: May 27, 2007 12:58 pm
Topics: 61 / Replies: 815
Re: vi gets 59 million for fiber optic network

touche' it's half full for me Half full/half empty only works when the volume is somewhere near half. It's a completely different animal when s...

15 years ago
Re: vi gets 59 million for fiber optic network

Here are the results of one such audit "The St. Thomas Task Force failed to implement internal control procedures to ensure that established ...

15 years ago
Re: Put Them on the Bus

Dude...I mean seriously dude...your post is just so f_c_ed up on so many levels. You should win a prize. Your little Who Would You Kill

15 years ago
15 years ago
Re: Should the Federal gov't control the VI?

Correction. The 0.02/100K figure I posted earlier doesn't make sense to me given the population. I can't find the source I originally copied it from. ...

15 years ago
Re: Should the Federal gov't control the VI?

I actually agree with most of your statement, Linda J, although feeling safe and being safe are 2 entirely different animals. Safety is largely a matt...

15 years ago
Re: Should the Federal gov't control the VI?

Uh...I think that the staggering crime rate, free flow of guns and drugs into the islands, and our court system paint a pretty clear picture. What ya ...

15 years ago
Re: Should the Federal gov't control the VI?

LOL...yeah, well I said possible - not probable. I tend to share your cynicism EE. I see very little hope of things getting any better and that's why ...

15 years ago
Re: Should the Federal gov't control the VI?

I don't think the Feds are necessary. Change has to occur from within to be effective. The Fed may indeed be necessary to effect any real substan...

15 years ago
Re: Moving to STJ... Random Q's

aussie: Then you are definitely on the list!;) Yeah, I think so, EE. I've been here 4 years but, by island standards, that still has me on the sh...

15 years ago
Re: Moving to STJ... Random Q's

If you are worrying all the time about what you don't have, could have, used to have, you are on the short timer list. The longer I live here, t...

15 years ago
Re: When is the sun directly overhead?

I've been wondering how to figure out on which days the sun is most directly overhead at a given latitude. Try here Bob.

15 years ago
Re: great police work

On the other hand, very few people get killed while using a prostitute without a seatbelt!! The ones that require seat belts make a lot more mo...

15 years ago
Re: considering a move to st croix

According to Google Maps (by way of the tattoo on my ankle, lol) Christiansted is 17 degrees 45 minutes north. LOL stephyjh! Does that put Christ...

15 years ago
Re: considering a move to st croix

Here in St. Croix, it's nearly always 85 degrees F, plus or minus a few degrees, and there is always a pleasant breeze (most of the island). Yeah...

15 years ago
Re: Moving to St. Croix

I say NO, you can't do it on $1200. That makes quite a statement, doesn't it? It would certainly make for a bare bones, meager existence, no? Man...

15 years ago
Re: Our stolen car

We now use clubs on our cars. Anything you do to make it a little tougher to steal your car helps. That said, the club that locks onto your steer...

15 years ago
Re: Our stolen car

No problem, pt. I was hoping to score one for the good guys but, alas, not today... I'll post the locations of the hidey-holes that I know about ...

15 years ago
Re: Our stolen car

I'll send ya a PM Brian. I'm interested in a cut-off switch for my truck. The blue truck is half hidden in the brush. I'd have to walk around to ...

15 years ago
Re: Our stolen car

Sorry pt - no luck. I checked out 3 of 4 spots closest to my house. I wasn't feeling ballsy enough to check out the 4th spot. I see that 4 cars, or ra...

15 years ago
Re: Our stolen car

Hondas will be stripped before they are torched. There are several spots I'm familiar with here on the west end where cars are hidden in the brush and...

15 years ago
Re: Skeeters are back

Yup, true, Bob. I guess I shoulda included that info. It's taken the paint off of my steel door frame. To me, a quick touch up with paint every 6 mont...

15 years ago
Re: What is wrong in the VI?

Thanks for posting this EE. The criminal justice system here is a HUGE part of the problem and it's not an easy thing to fix. I find it encouragi...

15 years ago
Re: Skeeters are back

My pleasure. Let us know if it works for you. On the gallery, my weapon of choice is a racket. For the ones that still get inside, I prefer a flyswatt...

15 years ago
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