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Joined: May 27, 2007 12:58 pm
Topics: 61 / Replies: 815
Re: Soon Come - TS Earl

Fiona is right on our doorstep and trying to ramp up this morning. Strong shear is forecast to beat her up later today so it's still a crap shoot as t...

15 years ago
Re: Dog?

What are his needs?

15 years ago
Re: Here It Comes (Earl)!

The highest credible reports I see for sustained winds on STT and STJ yesterday were 53 MPH with gusts to 69 MPH, So, none of the USVI experienced hur...

15 years ago
Re: Here It Comes (Earl)!

Anyone have reports of the maximum sustained winds on any of the islands?

15 years ago
Re: Here It Comes (Earl)!

That was a close one! 65 miles is all that separated St Thomas and St John from the eyewall of a CAT 4. Earl's outflow is gonna do a number on Fi...

15 years ago
Re: Here It Comes (Earl)!

We're being spared the worst of it. This is a great loop:

15 years ago
Re: Here It Comes (Earl)!

Here's how close he is.

15 years ago
Re: Here It Comes (Earl)!

It's a wee bit blowy at the moment. I'm shocked that I still have power.

15 years ago
Re: Soon Come - TS Earl

aussie: We had the watch all day yesterday, so the warning shouldn't be a surprise. The only surprise here is that they waited so long to issue ...

15 years ago
Re: Soon Come - TS Earl

Hurricane warning now issued for the USVI at 5AM. that helps!

15 years ago
Re: Soon Come - TS Earl

Oops! Meant to add this to the last post.

15 years ago
Re: Soon Come - TS Earl

Ah...OK. They have St Thomas and St John painted red on that graphic but a hurricane warning has not been issued for the USVI. If Earl doesn't gain so...

15 years ago
Re: Here It Comes (Earl)!

Wow...what a sunset!

15 years ago
Re: Soon Come - TS Earl

I'm not sure what you're looking at, Bob. The USVI have been and continue to be under a hurricane watch and a tropical storm warning. No hurricane war...

15 years ago
Re: Soon Come - TS Earl

Where are you seeing that, Bob?

15 years ago
Re: Soon Come - TS Earl

He's gaining a little latitude. Now moving WNW.

15 years ago
Re: Soon Come - TS Earl

Convection is now over the center of circulation. Shear is dropping. Recon just found a central pressure of 983.3 mb. He'll start strengthening now.

15 years ago
Re: Good News, Bad News for STX

My pleasure, dntw8up. Here a link to the Bureau of Economic Analysis' website

15 years ago
Re: Soon Come - TS Earl

Earl is definitely one to keep an eye on. The early tracking models showed Earl recurving out into the open Atlantic following in Danielle's wake...

15 years ago
Re: Should the Federal gov't control the VI?

Puerto Rico has a small independence movement. It's failed to gain much public support but it's interesting nonetheless. Puerto Rico could probably pu...

15 years ago
Re: Should the Federal gov't control the VI?

shhhh...speak softly lest Jumbie hears ya. Jumbie disapproves of "hyothetic theories on what might happen in the future". He'll lob stones at ya! 😀

15 years ago
Re: Good News, Bad News for STX

Oil is the driving force behind the VI economy and accounts for better than 85% of our exports. “Oil is a big deal,” said Lauritz Mills, dire...

15 years ago
Re: Think the murder rate here is high - try Venezuela!

Personally, comparing the homicide rate in the VI to the deadliest places on the globe does little for me. Using the homicide rate published by t...

15 years ago
Re: auto windshield

Yup. Agreed. The folks at Castle Glass are first rate.

15 years ago
Re: Think the murder rate here is high - try Venezuela!

In the USVI, the murder rates are (assuming a population of 120,000): 47 per 100,000 in 2009 The Daily News used a population base of 110,00...

15 years ago
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