Very cool! Many thanks, Swan!
The fees that the credit card processing company charges you are negotiable. The fees originating from Visa, Mastercard etc are non-negotiable - dues ...
Hiya, Have you REALLY checked your TX direct statement? With all the additional fees & dues & assesments... on and on our rate can be higher than 3%,...
Ah....the dogs are barking, the roosters won't shut up, and there were shots fired in the neighborhood again last night at extremely close range. I wa...
Many thanks, Swan! They are so quick that I'm not sure I can tell the difference between a swallow and a swift.
Ah! Many thanks, specialk ! Yup, scissor tails. Very cool. This is the first time I've seen them here too.
My heart-felt condolences to you, Pamela. Are you OK?
OK, I need my eyes checked. I read 'breed' instead of 'bed' in the first post which made the second post a bit bewildering... LOL...GoodToGo. Ye...
Many thanks, missingthevi7 Nope, not a writer. Perhaps it's something I can explore when I retire 🙂
Well, that sounds like no fun at all, popflops! My house is watertight so I was able to just sit back and enjoy it.
Ive sooooo been enjoying this weather! For 3 straight days, the chickens and roosters were silent. The neighborhood dogs didn't make a sound. The...
LOL...try again. Your other east, Edward! Your other east!
🙂 Will you put a green toothpick in the race for me?, not given its present location. NE is a good thing.
Look again. Otto is not to our east. The northeast motion simply means that it is recurving out into the open Atlantic. That would be a good thing.
On the surface the VI appears to be a very conservative and religious society but when behind closed doors or the lights go out.................... ...
I agree with the others. Gay couples don't face too many issues here. Be aware, however, that many of the locals hold strong religious beliefs. A gay ...
... if they do build the Sub-Station I am going to bring them cookies. 😀 LOL...LOL...LOL.. Cookies are just so darned useful here! I think it w...
YOU CAN GOOGLE AND GET THE STATISTICS. Anyone have a link? Other than the homicide rate, have any crime statistics been published since 2004?
Descriptive, yes! But of what? The looks or the taste? 😀
I'm so sorry to hear that, Tammy. Does anyone know of emergency veterinarian services that may be available to Tammy tonight? Dr Duke Deller take...