Very cool! Many thanks, Swan!
The fees that the credit card processing company charges you are negotiable. The fees originating from Visa, Mastercard etc are non-negotiable - dues ...
Hiya, Have you REALLY checked your TX direct statement? With all the additional fees & dues & assesments... on and on our rate can be higher than 3%,...
Ah....the dogs are barking, the roosters won't shut up, and there were shots fired in the neighborhood again last night at extremely close range. I wa...
Many thanks, Swan! They are so quick that I'm not sure I can tell the difference between a swallow and a swift.
Ah! Many thanks, specialk ! Yup, scissor tails. Very cool. This is the first time I've seen them here too.
My heart-felt condolences to you, Pamela. Are you OK?
OK, I need my eyes checked. I read 'breed' instead of 'bed' in the first post which made the second post a bit bewildering... LOL...GoodToGo. Ye...
Many thanks, missingthevi7 Nope, not a writer. Perhaps it's something I can explore when I retire
Well, that sounds like no fun at all, popflops! My house is watertight so I was able to just sit back and enjoy it.
Ive sooooo been enjoying this weather! For 3 straight days, the chickens and roosters were silent. The neighborhood dogs didn't make a sound. The...
LOL...try again. Your other east, Edward! Your other east!
Will you put a green toothpick in the race for me?, not given its present location. NE is a good thing.
Look again. Otto is not to our east. The northeast motion simply means that it is recurving out into the open Atlantic. That would be a good thing.
On the surface the VI appears to be a very conservative and religious society but when behind closed doors or the lights go out.................... ...
I agree with the others. Gay couples don't face too many issues here. Be aware, however, that many of the locals hold strong religious beliefs. A gay ...
... if they do build the Sub-Station I am going to bring them cookies.
LOL...LOL...LOL.. Cookies are just so darned useful here! I think it w...
YOU CAN GOOGLE AND GET THE STATISTICS. Anyone have a link? Other than the homicide rate, have any crime statistics been published since 2004?
Descriptive, yes! But of what? The looks or the taste?
I'm so sorry to hear that, Tammy. Does anyone know of emergency veterinarian services that may be available to Tammy tonight? Dr Duke Deller take...