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Joined: May 1, 2007 5:40 am
Topics: 2 / Replies: 252
Re: Need info on clearing lot

It sounds like you just need a good weed whacker. Get a metal blade for it and you can cut one inch stuff.The earth change permit is for moving or exp...

17 years ago
17 years ago
Re: Brazilian Bikini Wax...

I am not sure, could you describe it a little better?

17 years ago
Re: Any Bug Buffs (STX)

All spiders are venomous. Don't worry though its not a centipede

17 years ago
Re: Parasite Question

Has she had her white blood sell count checked? I say that because it sounds serious. I would like to know the name of that doctor,because it sounds s...

17 years ago
Re: Which Caribbean Island has the best overall Infrastructure according WEF

The Bahama's are not even close to the Caribbean last time I looked.

17 years ago
Re: building small on St. Croix

I think why bother, is the real ?

17 years ago
Re: building small on St. Croix

A condo might be more up your ally. There is a large investment up front with land, driveway septic & cistern. All of that and still no living space....

17 years ago
Re: STX hospital

Thank you for your responses. This is what I was hoping to hear.

17 years ago
17 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 1528
Re: looking for someone

Frederiksted is where the Cruise ships come in.

17 years ago
Re: "Good" house design

Trade are the rafters just for looks? Is the roof flat with beams because I cant figure how you could pour on a slant?

17 years ago
Re: "Good" house design

My site is 850 feet above sea level. You saying that about the wind blowing harder the higher you are makes me think about no wood at all. My wife rea...

17 years ago
17 years ago
Re: "Good" house design

1 generator is a good idea. 2 vaulted ceilings are the norm for top floor. 3 If WAPA starts to pay for unused power it might be worth it. 4 Wind...

17 years ago
Re: Your Micro-Climate on STT (DAILY observations)

You have dreads? That's cool,I drink beer.I also did lots of research that some might find strange.When you are passionate about something it is fun r...

17 years ago
Re: brain coral reaction

You are right Marty I meant to say that to.

17 years ago
Re: brain coral reaction

I have a 135 gallon reef tank in my living room with a good sized brain coral. They are one of the least toxic of coral, most of the coral will not c...

17 years ago
Re: Grocery Bagging Customs in VI.

Thanks Ronnie I thought a good old fashion carer was possible for some. You don't have to go to college to not sweat for a living. Learning the trade ...

17 years ago
Re: Grocery Bagging Customs in VI.

Cant you move up from baggier to truck unload guy or shelf stock guy.

17 years ago
Re: USVI house

Only if it is considered hazardous, will it be condemned. That goes for the states to,my dad took years to build his cabin in California. If it is bui...

17 years ago
Re: Firearms and Hunting in De VI

You can also hunt Nuisance Game on STX. That is usually wild steer and feral hog. I am not in to it, just don't want to Field dress that big of game. ...

17 years ago
Re: Would you bring this car?

There is an extra tax on foreign cars.Not sure how much because it is based on the value of the car. We thought about taking an Xtera witch would be a...

17 years ago
Re: Opinions - Hard Labor & St. Peter (Rainbow Gardens)

Well as far as the bugs go, I don't mind the noise at night. The sound of the jungle is kind of nice. I don't know how the every day bug problems are...

17 years ago
Re: Opinions - Hard Labor & St. Peter (Rainbow Gardens)

I don't know anything about St. Peter. I am building a house in Hard Labor. We chose that area for quite a few reasons. The view is the obvious one. T...

17 years ago
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