what! disposable people???? "good for nothings"?? Damn you guys have become desensitized!!! This was a punk or a few of them going into a place of...
thanks, heard the news and my friend said he saw you flying and the ambulance heading up while we were playing Ultimate! really, thanks!
More shootout!!! Today at Annaly Meat Market...I don't know if anyone was hurt, but shots were fired inside!! Cops all over trying to catch 'em.
something like 11 this month...
Thanks rotor, yes...STX! Hoepfully rotor can spot something first with his bird's eye view! I think this is more a case of depression rather...
To each, his own....I haven't felt a craving in a year+, and I only quit a few years ago. Go the healthy, exercise route. You've got the private bea...
Zebos! with Siete Son last night! Great place for great music and a GREAT late night menu.
Juanita, it's been a little while, but I usually order: short ribs done in a nice sauce that includes Guinness Stout, or salad: either the ...
jewelry, turn south at the Hovensa training center building/light. Just before the road cuts sharp to the left, turn right........Be safe!
Great start, trw!!!! One pack a day...one pack a day...one pack a day!!!
trw, I'm pretty sure it was Stuart not Jody, though he never wore a diaper on the float only risque wrestle mania hot pants, green of course
Uticca, pick up a copy of "The Emperor Wears no Clothes" and I think you will become enlightened on the reason cannabis became illegal during a late n...
Ted was often found at Shoy's Beach in recent years. I think the family stayed there at the pyramid house on the point. three years in a row we ran ...
trw, I agree with Cory that a good first step is cutting down. 4 packs a day is NOT moderate. That's a compulsion. It's mental as well as physical....
new2, I don't know about the physical being done stateside vs local. But, i do know that the Rattan folks are on vacation. That's probably why they ...
Bumpin again!!! Mondays and Thursdays 4:30-dark, UVI front field......non-contact, co-ed, GREAT cardio-workout with GREAT people!
trw, how's your caffine intake? that sh$@t used to keep me either up or gringing teeth all night. Now I can't have any after noon. Sleeping well th...
trw, as you've said to others here, including me....get over it....
there is also one in Golden Rock and I see a new add for a new Star Apple Montesorri school on island. Word on island is Rattan is the place to be. ...
Had the Senepol beef burger last night at Zebo's...my vote for best burger on island....and grown here.
I think Kevin at Clear Water Cistern Cleaning can point you in the right direction.....772-3881
Memorial service was great! So many friends came out to celebrate and join in fellowship. As I left about 8pm, boatloads of folks were still coming ...
trw, that's not what i heard...but since what I heard is just rumor i will not comment at this point. I kinda surprised you did, and very surprised t...
3 months shy of Birth