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Joined: October 7, 2008 2:29 pm
Topics: 26 / Replies: 311
Replies: 12
Views: 1958
Re: Montessori School in St. Croix

pop, 6 is usually the cutoff age for Montessori scools in general. Occassionally, at Rattan they will allow the child to stay one more year if that i...

15 years ago
Re: International Space Station (ISS) - Sightings over the Virgin Islands

Thanks again swan, my family and I enjoyed seeing the ISS last month so much. I just posted a flyer at school so all the kids and parents can see too...

15 years ago
Re: tax refund checks

Hey folks!!! I heard the first wave landed in mailboxes TODAY! and I heard another wave is being processed and about to be sent out....I'm going to ...

15 years ago
Re: ISS - International Space Station- Sightings over Virgin Islands

waay cool! Thanks!! and a very clear night over my house.

15 years ago
Re: Acupuncture in VI?

Peter Stewart in STX....719-7564

15 years ago
Re: Welcome Edward

Welcome indeed!

15 years ago
Re: IRB credit cards?

yep! I've done it for the miles as well!

15 years ago
Re: Vegans in STX?

yep, you'll be safe shopping around STX for what you need. In addition to L'Khaime, you will enjoy Lalita's in C'sted and Uca's in Fredricksted, Hea...

15 years ago
Re: April 1st News

hey Bombi, I almost posted "Surf's UP" here as an AFJ, but it would not have worked since the SURF's UP!! Hope you caught a little water today.

15 years ago
Re: Ultimate Frisbee Games - STX

BUMP!!!! see info on the original post...Monday and Thursday evening games...great people and great exercise... CAtoSTX, your husband has be...

15 years ago
Re: SAFE for sale - STX

I still have this available if anyone is in need....

15 years ago
Re: Virgin Islands today comments

I just came back from a week in the DR and heard something about Usie's cistern....anyone heard anything about this?

15 years ago
Re: UVI st. thomas

You can see the scene if you rent College Hill: Virgin Islands. Netflix has it:

15 years ago
Re: Virgin Islands today comments

Did anyone hear about the nighttime robbery at the Dept of Ag this weekin STX? I have boycotted the Avis since they refused to run the NORMAL request...

15 years ago
Re: Caribbean Country Radio

I'm in ine with you Juanita! I enjoyed the station yesterday while driving out west. Iooked back and my daughter was fast asleep. I wish we had thi...

15 years ago
Re: CNN Stimulus Money and Paradise

well it does also create jobs, haven't you seen the crews of 7 standing around while 1 guy/girl patches the hole! (the same hole year after year!)

15 years ago
Re: Montserrat eruption

was out surfing west STX this am and the wind were coming from the south...I literally saw the plume of ash heading our way again.

15 years ago
Re: surfing?

that's what I heard....West was nice but peaked at night and the wind came in from the south creating chop most of the time.I still spent 7 of the las...

15 years ago
Re: Montserrat eruption

For Sure K, It came like a storm and hazed the sky. I thought dust but that comes kinda casual, this hit during the afternoon. Ash.

15 years ago
Re: surfing?

don't think so, but you can pick up a boogie board at kmart sometimes pretty cheap.

15 years ago
Re: surfing?

that's a little paddle out, eh?

15 years ago
Re: surfing?

BIG surf heading once again to STT and STX. I'll be checking Sprat Hall on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. If you have never seen the west sw...

15 years ago
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