Free Will Baptist school is a lot less expensive than the other private schools, goes through high school, and has a fairly broad curriculum.
I tried doing some research, but can't (easily) find documentation separated out for the VI, but here are my gut feelings seeing what comes through th...
Wow! Such hard headed negativity and doses of reality. We moved down here with our 2 "younger" sons who were 20 and 15. The 20 year old got a job righ...
There is no sales tax and no state income tax. My salary here is lower than in the states, but it about evens out when you factor that in.
Those are sugar ants. Terro, which you can buy at the hardware stores and sometimes at Kmart is the stuff you need.
Dr. Merritt is the dermatologist. Dr. Moorman in Gallows Bay is a plastic surgeon.
goodtogo~ You have probably read my thoughts on crime on this board and one could get the idea that violent crime is epidemic. That is not entirely tr...
Heepajeep~ I am just a newbie to guns of any type. My wife and I are getting them for personal protection. I really don't know what any of the other r...
heepajeep~ my wife and I are in the process of filling out the forms for the concealed carry permit. I have already cut out several of the (almost) da...
1. 1 year 4 months 2. Oklahoma then New England then Georgia then Wisconsin 3. Much better working hours, shorter commute and for the beach...
Alexandra~ That is just too funny! heepajeep~ good observations. I was thinking as I filled out the applications that perhaps I should mention th...
Well, we've just been down to the shooting gallery and passed our Firearm certification course. (Cost: $200)They were excellent and patient teachers,...
Which is why, Teresa, I recommend joining And no, I will not let someone bust into my house and intimidate me with a gun. Not ever ...
Aussie~ It is a pity that crime here is so rampant. After my wife was held up at gunpoint mid day in her store, we decided to go get us some guns, too...
1. Linda, Thank you for your concern. I really appreciate it 2. I apologize if I offended. As I said, there are lots of really great people here. My...
We're on St X
Then there is the other side. We came from a quiet little Wisconsin town. Left the doors unlocked and never worried. No trafffic light, the people in...
Of course, maybe, just maybe the reason the housing market is so slow here is because the pictures are so uninviting!
If the neighbors and good people had owned guns this crime would have been much less likely. If we remain satisfied with a "wait and see" attitude and...
Sensei: shitsurei shimashita. I understand your concerns. I, too, lived in Japan (Kyoto) for two years. I understand the honor, work ethic, honesty, o...
The powers that be just want the checks to keep coming in, there is too little integrity for those positions of power and elsewhere, there is rampant ...
Obviously, some of us don't like guns very much. I don't own one either, just for the record. On the other hand, I think the FACTS stated at the begin...
The converse is also true. I found this article. It gives one pause: Gun Ownership Mandatory In Kennesaw, Georgia Crime Rate Plummets by C...
Cody~ Sometimes a case of beer, a couple bottles of Rum, a "gift" of 300-500 cash (or whatever) , an offer of a truck to help move IF the tenant can ...
Michael Moore a Patriot?? oh Puh-leeze! He's as much off the wall for the left as Bush is for the right. He's not above misinformation and distortion...