Last seen: August 9, 2022 11:39 am
There are presently 2 K9 training businesses on STT. I used this first one years ago when my black lab/Shepard mix sisters were a few months old....
Try the hospital where your friend passed away or contact the coroner's office. They should be able to provide information.
I'm sorry you had such a bad experience but I am allowed to post my experience and comment on an open forum.
Think it may also depend on whether where you live is zoned for business and if you're renting whether your landlord would allow such and endeavor on ...
Adrian, come by! I'm getting rid of some things you might find useful. Thanks again for the pics of how tenants had the inside of my home which...
Did they raise the amount you can sue for in small claims court? Thought it was only up to $5K.
I just got back on island last week. I called BBVI on Monday, to check status of towers I normally use and got a recorded message asking me to leave...
I actually had a good experience with Viking when I shipped personal items with them last January to FL. Both Berris and his secretary were helpful ...
:@) yep!
Hey Sparty, Regardless of our differences, sorry to hear you're leaving. Glad you enjoyed your time here. Congratulations on the new gig and adv...
Check with the animal shelter or the local veterinarians. They should be able to give you some references.
This Fact About How Taiji Dolphin Hunts Are Connected to Marine Parks Will Make Your Jaw Drop
Curfew Mapp: Break Curfew Wednesday and “You Will Be Arrested” September 05, 2017
Ditto! Stay safe everyone!
YES we had a bad feeling didn't we? I WISH our feeling had been WRONG. All I am thinking is HOLY F*CKING SH!T!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes I hope every...
They removed families so the Guardsmen can concentrate on their mission.
Building codes and environmental standards get stronger after major disasters and hurricanes strike. Only if legislation gets passed to do so ins...
Yes. We already know that.
Call your airlines tonight. Contact airport asap. I know seaports are closing down.