Last seen: February 23, 2025 11:43 am
One thing to consider, if you buy now and rent out for 10 years you'll be moving into a unit that is 10 years older and well "used" than when you purc...
Your questions a way too general but don't get discouraged. Most people here will tell you to start out your research by using the drop down menu...
I think your "5 year plan" is an intelligent way to investigate if island life is right for you and your spouse. Having a nest egg of 50K will go a l...
Agree with what Scubadoo says - if you have to work in order to live on the island (in other words you are not retired with an independent source of i...
I would imagine as long as you've been making your payments on time, there wouldn't be a problem, however I want to prepare for every scenario possibl...
I currently had a policy with AirMed: A good friend uses MedJet Assist: You can compare policy terms and premiums for a number of the differen...
Who knows? You'll have to wait and see what the new "law" says about that. To paraphrase Nancy Pelosi, we'll have to wait until the new law is passe...
Any other suggestions of people who did a great job, quickly, at a reasonable price? Having worked with numerous architects over the years on ...
Why would you need one? What is the purpose of an International Driving Permit? Just wondering... Just so you know an IDP is a document that...
First, which island are you considering? The 3 main ones are quite different from each other. The only thing they have in common is they are all isl...
Sorry you don't like the answers you are getting. Your original questions about whether buying cars is difficult or whether rental houses are furnish...
Based on the questions you are asking it appears you really haven't done much research on what life is like in the Caribbean (in general) and the USVI...
Yes, some homes, both rentals and sales, are furnished and some are unfurnished. New and used cars are no more difficult to buy on St. Croix then...
Can't really answer your question with any certainty. It depends on size, location, ability for heavy equipment to access the intended location, whet...
Thank you for the advice. We were wanting to buy right away. Renting seems like such a waste of money. Something to think about... J If yo...
I'm 73 and and spouse is 72. Most of our friends are in the 65 to 80 YO bracket and a few are older (one is in her 90's). All have been living in th...
I am trying to determine if we should take the job by weighing the pros and cons of the move. Mainly the cost of living and schooling.....My questions...
A simple google search using such topics as "Working in the BVI's", "Immigrating to the BVI's", etc. will bring up lots of links telling you all the r...
You also have to realize that the island is small (only 31 sq. miles) so it's a bit like living in a small town without the ability easily leave that ...
Do you have the $2,000/$2,200 in cash ready to spend? If so, have you thought about selling your car in the US and then use the proceeds plus the add...
Our pool is an oval shape of similar size (max depth 5') - it cost $42K when we built it 12+ years ago. Had to have the "Diamond Brite" finish redone...
The idea of a PMV is to come to the island(a) for a short period not on vacation but on a fact finding mission to find out What island life is like an...
We bought down a car after the third time down. We have two now as my wife likes her own car. A LOT DEPENDS ON WHERE YOU KEEP IT!!!! We have a condo...
Do you have a specific island in mind? Your research is spot on - the majority of rental properties DO NOT accepts pets. Finding one that allows...
When we first built our Caribbean home (and came down 3 to 4 times a year) we rented a car but mid-way into our 2nd year we decided to purchase a car....