Honorable Member
Joined: August 3, 2006 1:31 pm
Last seen: March 8, 2025 9:58 am
Topics: 1 / Replies: 527
Re: Options for shipping suitcases and other such stuff

We ship boxes to STX often by USPS Priority Mail. Contrary to what divinggirl says you don't have to insure the package to get a tracking number. Ju...

16 years ago
Re: what kind of work are you doing to live in STT or STX?

I think you may have a misunderstanding. When islanders tell you "the pay is low and the cost of living is high" by that they mean compared to most o...

16 years ago
Re: island hopping

Many people are under the impression that the islands in the Caribbean are linked by an inexpensive mass transit system similar to what you'd find in...

16 years ago
Re: Happy and Homeless

I was intregied by this statement made by catharsolus: "From there I purchased a saltwater kayak and spent the next four months paddling it 1,700...

16 years ago
Re: I want to move to USVI and start a business

Regarding your comment that 'While the time I have spent down there has always been on vacation my vacations have always been spent with people that l...

16 years ago
Re: I want to move to USVI and start a business

Listen, before you make the "plunge" do yourself a favor and ask yoursel what is it about living in Arizona that makes you "sick of your life". Just...

16 years ago
Re: Jobs??

Q - Is it realistic to think that an outgoing person with a good amount of experience in the hospitality industry could find a job? A - Yes, but ...

16 years ago
Re: should i just go?

Read through the information in the relocation sections of this website as well as many of the questions/responses on this forum and you'll find answe...

16 years ago
Re: Help on Moving to and Living in the VI

To MOM - There are sharks in the waters surrounding the USVI's just like there are sharks in the oceans in almost all parts of the world. Your chance...

16 years ago
Re: Are there jobs in St. Croix?...

Like everywhere there are always jobs available but whether they are good jobs, mediocre jobs or bad jobs FOR YOU depends on your qualifications and p...

16 years ago
Re: Yearning to Move to the Virgins

Unless you've actually visited STX (or any island where you think you'd like to live) "Yearning to Move to the Virgins" is just that a "yearning". As...

17 years ago
Re: Moving to STX

The best advice one can give you is to 1) go to the home page of this website and read all the information there (it will take days or even weeks of y...

17 years ago
Re: Question About Cost of Living

snjmom - FYI wood flooring and carpeting is the exception rather than the rule in the Caribbean. Floor tiles are the product of choice!!!

17 years ago
Re: Question About Cost of Living

One of the biggest Catch-22's of living in the Caribbean is wages are often lower and living expenses are higher than for comparable jobs and housing ...

17 years ago
Re: Relocation with children

Sometimes the contributors on this forum can sound a bit "blunt". Their purpose is not to disuade people from relocating but merely they are trying t...

17 years ago
Re: Relocation with children

I'll try to answer your questions: 1 - That price range is the "norm" - like everything else in this world you get what you pay for. The higher ...

17 years ago
17 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 2503
Re: Hello everyone!

I'm sorry if this may sound blunt but if you want to "take this to a more personal aspect" you'll have to provide us with more personal information. ...

17 years ago
Re: Thinking of making the move

The Income Tax rate is the same in the USVI's as it is back in the Mainland US so whatever you paid in Federal Taxes "back home" you'll pay in the USV...

17 years ago
Re: Insurance - Do Most Carry it?

jogetz - It's clear you've done your homework which is more than many first time posters who think 'doing research" only means asking a question or 2 ...

17 years ago
Re: Insurance - Do Most Carry it?

As you already found out if you have a mortgage on your home the lender will require you insure the structure. How much insurance you need will be de...

17 years ago
Re: "Remote" HOA Participation

As a "homeowner" you will have a "say" in how the HOA is set up and established (assuming the HOA has not yet been established at the time of your lan...

17 years ago
Re: St. Thomas vs St. Croix?

You really should read the hundreds of threads on this site that spell out the difference between the islands. Much has changed since you visited STT...

17 years ago
Re: Parasite Question

I live on a different island (not too far from the USVI's) where the water is generally considered quite good and we rarely, if ever, hear of anyone h...

17 years ago
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