Last seen: March 8, 2025 9:58 am
I'm not saying that as Canadians you it's impossible to get a Work Visa but generally speaking you have to possess a "unique skill" and your potential...
Yes, you go to the nearest hardware/home improvement store and purchase a mail box and post. Dig a hole, set the post, attach the mailbox and you are...
Certainly there are many people who move to the islands, make friends, start a business and have a good life. It's no different here than it is anywh...
Linda J wrote - "An ex patriot is a person who lives permanently outside his/her own country,... " FYI - the term Ex-Pat refers to EXPATRIATE not...
Take it from someone who built in the Caribbean - you'll be behind schedule and over-budget within a week of ground breaking. Building here is not fo...
SHEESH!!! I answered your taxi question, gave you suggestions on where to find info regarding getting around without a car, shipping your pets and st...
Honestly, all your questions have been asked/answered many times on this forum. First, use the dropdown links at the top of this page; under "Mov...
People come with all amounts of savings. How much you may need depends on your lifestyle but $15,000 should be fine. You'll need to pay out 3 month'...
What exactly are your safety concerns? Ask yourself: Do you feel safe where you now live. If so, why? If not, why? Do you live a particularly wil...
$10,000 is only a guideline - some people need more others can survive on less. The amount YOU need depends on many factors such as: Will you ha...
The ease or difficulty of finding a job in the in USVI's depends on many factors such as what type of job you are seeking, your skill level and qualif...
OK, this may sound harsh but it's really meant to give you some guidance. You've said : "My husband and I are beginning our research as to whethe...
Blanchards' book was titled "A Trip to the Beach"
It's pretty much the same on all islands. Large islands like Puerto Rico, Jamaica, the Dominican Republic have there own additional challenges.
Jay makes some very good points - you should heed them without reservation. I don't mean to sound harsh but you said: "We have done tons of rese...
It's about 1,150 miles (as the crow flies) from Miami to St. Thomas - the actual cruising distance will be longer. Assuming that's your starting use ...
Ugh!!! That joke's so old when Adam told it to Eve she already heard it.
Bring more money - less of everything else. Seriously, you'll find that you are always "looking for something" you can't seem to find on island w...
Honestly, no one can answer that question for you - it depends on what YOU NEED to maintain the lifestyle YOU WANT to have. The number is different ...
The reality is that over the years companies receive thousands of inquiries from people who are looking for work and say they are moving down to the i...
It depends on where you live now, how much you are currently earning and the lifestyle you wish to maintain. Assuming you live in the US near a m...
i have to agree with Exit Zero - a business plan that rely's on selling sandwiches to cruise ship passengers is not the best idea. By an large cruise...
rdugirl - use the "Employment" drop down link at the top of this page and select "Job/wage Information" and you'll find average salaries for RN's. Us...
RV's and house/travel trailers in the Caribbean are not a good idea - roads are much to narrow and twisty, RV's/House/travel trailers won't stand up t...
More food for thought! I spent 5+ years visiting 20+ different islands and read countless books, articles and internet blogs about living/buildin...