Honorable Member
Joined: August 3, 2006 1:31 pm
Last seen: March 8, 2025 9:58 am
Topics: 1 / Replies: 527
Re: Looking for advice, moving to STX

People leave for all sorts of reasons. For instance: 1) Some find living on an island very confining- it' like living in a small town where you can...

12 years ago
Re: Island Hopping Suggestions

Agree, Dominica has EVERYTHING you are seeking. Mike Foster at Coastal Air flies there a couple times a week from STX. Give him a call: 340-773-...

12 years ago
Re: Moving in October to STX

1) I see that Sprint offers service there, does anyone know if you can keep the same plan you had in the states or if it's different and how? Can't ...

13 years ago
Re: need info

Really, there are no "hidden costs". You'll encounter the same type of expenses you have where you now live. As you already know you'll need to pay ...

13 years ago
Re: Building a Home On STX

blu4u is right - the reason you've "heard figures from many people and they range all over the board" is because that's the way things are. It all de...

13 years ago
Re: Building a Home On STX

All I can add is we were behind schedule and over budget almost from day one.

13 years ago
Re: Info on creepy crawlies???

Hire an exterminator to treat your home every month. That's what we do and rarely have any "creepy crawlies" inside our home.

13 years ago
Re: Should I be worried shipping USPS Parcel Post?

I've been shipping packages to STX by USPS multiple times a year for close to 10 years (usually anywhere for 10 to 30 packages over the course of each...

13 years ago
Re: Confused about shipping.

OP seems to have first hand knowledge from someone who shipped goods successfully in their car yet she still wants others to confirm or deny it's OK. ...

13 years ago
Re: Might Be moving soon to St John need help

One point, since you haven't told us what you are earning now how can any of us tell you if $60K will support YOUR lifestyle. Yes, people can ear...

13 years ago
Re: Might Be moving soon to St John need help

One last hint - if you haven't already done so (and I gather from your questions you probably haven't since many of your concerns are amply covered ) ...

13 years ago
Re: Might Be moving soon to St John need help

Generally it costs more to maintain the same lifestyle in the Caribbean than it does to live in the US. St. John is one of the more expensive islands...

13 years ago
Re: "Settler's Handbook"?

The book's inexpensive ($16) - if that's going to put a strain on your budget than maybe you should rethink your plans about relocating. Seriousl...

13 years ago
Re: Job Availability + a couple random questions

High Season is over and the number of tourists coming to the islands is steadily decreasing. As a result business on the island drops off considerabl...

13 years ago
Re: Barter/Exchange program

trainwreck82 makes a good point. Bartering for services doesn't really work unless both parties get something the both really want/need. In this...

13 years ago
Re: Average Week

I agree with Old Tart - the longer you can stay for your PMV the better it will be for you discover the many facets about life in the islands that are...

13 years ago
Re: Average Week

Would I be able to jog at night in the VI? - It depends on the area. The main roads are often twisted and narrow and not well lit so jogging along ...

13 years ago
Re: Average Week

Roadrunner has given a good summary of "routine life" in the islands. For some the "slower pace" becomes very frustrating - it takes forever to simpl...

13 years ago
Re: the hard question about electricity bills on STX

The thing is there is no "typical monthly bill" - as previously pointed out how much YOUR bill will be depends on the size, location and energy effic...

13 years ago
Re: Need advice on relocating to USVI

Sorry if this sounds "blunt" but your post is a perfect example of someone "doing research" by asking other people to do the research for you. The in...

13 years ago
Re: Tips for Finding a Job in St. Thomas or St. Johns?

It's very difficult to find employment in the USVI's (or anywhere in the Caribbean for that matter) using online sites. And, no, most employers don't...

13 years ago
Re: New to STT

Welcome and good luck getting settled. I'm sure in time you'll adjust to island life. "New to STT's" post says a lot in a few words. It tells h...

13 years ago
Re: what is a good reason to move to the VI?

Ok here's my $.02 - 1) The weather here is god awful- rain, clouds, and COLD temperatures for 10 months out of the year. Yes, the weather in th...

13 years ago
Re: Moving with a family?

DreamerDad - There's plenty of threads on this forum about the benefits and tuition costs of private school vs. public school so I won't belabor the p...

13 years ago
Re: Typical Weather?

Go to you can use the various links to find historical weather data for any place in the world, including any of the USVI's. ...

13 years ago
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