@Kahu Are you referring the the act below? If so, what needs to be updated? 7 V.I.C. § 199 (2013) § 199. Established; definitions...
Here is another link from one of our junior high schools And they are still qualifying and going back to VA. The public schools may h...
I too have thought long and hard about the cartel thing, but in all reality and end to prohibition may end all of that...afterall alcohol prohibition ...
The charter school bill has not been passed yet, it comes back up next month.
It was pretty much shut down last hearing by the VIPD and the AG....they claimed that if it were decriminalized cartels would move in and setup shop h...
The bill to decriminalize it will be coming back up soon, Senator Nelson just submitted a new one which seeks to legalize it for medical and recreatio...
Those folks that talk crap about our public schools ask them their experience with it and have they done anything to remedy the garbage that they hear...
@cholulazen please call 340-712-2379 M-F 8-5 and pass that story along.
I tried it Alana....didnt care for lionfish at all
I heard that she had passed and her son now has the castle, no confirmation though.
The reason you keep getting 2 different answers is because there are really two different answers....like Islander said, the end of the month is gener...
The site in peter's rest accepts aluminum cans for recycling....we are getting there slowly.
Alana you are correct 25 cents dead or alive. AandA na
The pancit from the Filipino restaurant in Barron Spot is the real deal! Lumpia was great too
K, if you run into anymore redtape let me know.
@stx_gb What is the status of this?
What time?
doubt it...in the absence of a weather station the island relies on spotters
WAPA is out of control and our legislators bury their heads in the sand. By any US main land standards t he power delivered by WAPA is sub standard. ...
what's hockey? no but for real....might not be a bad idea
and they know that there is nothing we can do
Thank you brother