Last seen: December 18, 2018 10:10 am
Click on Forum List & check out the Classifieds here. Also, post your request there.
Is Dr. Boden the English guy? If so, I've heard differently. There's a place near the airport that's fairly new run by Paris Nicholson (I think) & I...
Did you check the Classified forum here on this site? You might also want to post there. Click on the drop-down menu.
Crap Cleaner is a free download that quickly removes all the tracking stuff on your computer. I run it every time I log off.
You should have made her give you a 2 cent stamp.
Who currently pays $0.254733? I pay $.36 or $.37 now.
I got that last week. I like all the designs so it wasn't an easy choice for me.
What kind of commercial space?
If you can't make enough money doing that, it might be possible you're a rotten bartender or waiter. 😀 Plenty of other people do but you might need...
I think Dr. Byron Biscoe in Nisky Center on STT is now doing it. He operated on my eye a couple of years ago & I was quite impressed with him. 340-...
From what I see in the give-away real estate magazines here you're going to have to add a lot of cash if you want to swap in STJ. Have you checked th...
You pretty well covered it!
Of course, it's not a dumb idea or none of us would be here! 😀 Get some marketable skills (what's your degree in?), save your money & if you mov...
Maybe they aren't charging enough to make enough profit. I can't imagine any restaurant down here not charging what they can get to stay in busin...
Maybe later in June, Tammy. Good post, by the way.
We have good dentists here, if that's what you mean. As with anything, if you're good you could build up a practice after being licensed here.
Make sure you also post this in the Classified section here. Click on Forum List.
And if we hadn't replied it would have slipped down the board. Hope you get someone for your ad.
I have homestead & read that if you already have an exemption you don't have to reapply. Has anyone heard differently?
I was joking. . .
I nominate East Ender! 😀
Large as in commercial? Commercial has a higher rate than residential. Edited to add that our condo pays more which I think is the commercial rate ...
Awww, Lizard I can't tell you how sorry I am. That's a huge loss for you.