Last seen: December 18, 2018 10:10 am
It does make towels scratchy. Adding some cheap white vinegar to the rinse water helps though.
Good point, EE. However, I hope STX does get a boost.
I would get the impression from you that there will suddenly be this huge wave of business overnight. Nothing moves that quickly down here. Everythi...
If you get in a condo, check the association for rules. Ours say you can't drape anything over the railings & any laundry has to be below the deck ra...
Me, too. Trw, you're the best!
Oh, wonderful!
Ewww. that'll get your heart started.
I'm the same about meat. I'm not wild about vegetables though so I convince myself the steaks just are created in styrofoam packages. 🙂
Cloudy today. Not much difference in temps. Usually around 85 daytime & still not terribly hot at night, where I live anyway. Supplies aren't lacki...
I've never heard of any issues on STT.
Mercury poisoning or ciguatera? Two different things.
Oh, ok. I'll check it out. Thanks.
I sure wish Lizard would come back & I miss Trw also. Gorgeous day today. Had a load of wash in the machine but ran out of water. Sure hope the wat...
Where do you get Identity Theft? Is it free?
You can find a nice place to stay for $1K on either island. Plenty of places to hang out & how much involvement in partying would be up to you.
I've had Crap Cleaner for years.
If you get crap cleaner from ccleaner.com (free) you can save the places where you have all your log-in info such as here & clear the cookies without ...
You also spend your money differently. For the most part, wardrobe costs go down & frankly, if you don't have good job skills it's no picnic living a...
Wonderful. We're waiting to see how you're going to improve everything. I think we're all tired of nothing but complaints.
You could live on that. St. Thomas & St. Croix both have airports. Try to visit before you leap into anything but I'm guessing that if you don't lik...
Mahogany Run would be considered North Side. Probably that portion would work well for you as far as All Saints or the hospital.
Wonderful cause!
I've not been to Orlando but I'm quite sure there are loads of people who love it there & want to stay & more who would like to move there. It certai...
Read Southeast's post above mine, Linda. southeast [ PM ] Re: Heinekin $18.99 12 pack cans at Pueblo? May 29, 2008 09:19AM Registered: 3 mon...
Maybe you'd be happier in Grand Cayman.