Last seen: December 18, 2018 10:10 am
And cats are hardly an endangered species here.
I think maybe you need to visit yourself & make your own decisions. And none of us just get on a plane & take a 350 mile ride right to South America....
The difference is the Federal taxes stay here & nothing goes to Washingon but lots of money comes from Washington TO here.
You might want to do a pre-move visit. In fact, it's pretty important since you haven't been here. There are lots of single women who hae moved here...
Marlene, it doesn't seem to be up in the archives of Moving Stories (under "What To Expect" at the top of the site.) Is it somewhere else?
I know a ton of people, myself included who would love to have somebody like from Geek Squad come to our homes. Older people could really use this se...
Then let's just hope she either improves or goes quietly in her sleep. I know how tough this is.
Went to the new Four Seasons market in Lockhart Gardens today. REALLY nice & Horizon Organic milk is $2.00/half gallon cheaper than Gourmet Gallery, ...
On STT we have Radio Shack & Office Max & I think PC Paradise fixes computers. Those are the major ones.
Oops, I was posting at the same time you were, trw. If she does have heartworm, she's too old to survive the treatment I'm guessing. It's hard on yo...
Trw, I doubt she's all that comfortable if she's wheezing & hacking. Unless she's a little senile, she's probably not happy about having to urinate w...
Even if you do reach the others, I'd be leery of paying someone I had that much trouble getting hold of. Good luck!
I don't pay for AVG & haven't had any problems. In fact, I have a LOT less problems than I did with Norton. I, too think you've picked up something.
Most lien holders don't allow it.
Welcome to the Caribbean! When you rent down here, make sure it's a place that gets good breezes. I've never had A/C here.
Why not use Mr. LeBron? He's the best! LeBron & Associates 776-4678
Did you think we get around on donkeys & beat our laundry on a rock? 😀
Stuff from the west coast seems to take longer for the most part - at least when I've had things sent from there.
That should be one of the better businesses to go into here especially the servicing part. Which island?
Your story's not that surprising re the phone interview. Even the government hears from tons of people who never show up & most employers usually wil...
They're not in the white pages. What kind of business is it?
Depends on the type of business. Be aware that the economy isn't the best at this time.
Mom trained 'em right!
You sure get a lot of company! Enjoy the week.