Last seen: December 18, 2018 10:10 am
I put on my Nancy Drew cap to track you down that time. 😉
Not enough St. Thomians on here to keep a thread going, I don't think. I've wondered about that mango wood, too. Mango trees arounr here are har...
Precisely. You should have been here when it was rare to have any kind of generator, much less one that turned on automatically. My power's out now...
One thing I've noticed is that when I've had 2 dogs, one would seem to attract the ticks & the other hardly ever got any & they would sleep together, ...
Check out the Classified Section of this forum & to up your chances, post over there, too.,
Hey, if it was all perfect & really easy here, it would be more packed than Manhattan.
Just finished a couple of books by Dorthea Benton Frank set in the Low Country of SC & the way she writes some conversations is very similar to the lo...
I wondered the same thing. And a lot of times the picture cuts out for a second or two.
I think Wisener was talking about STJ vs STT when talking about "deals." If I'm correct, I'm pretty sure most things are less expensive on STT, not S...
Just the local talk, she wasn't talking about the accent.
Water filters work on cisterns. I drink cistern water & have all the years I've been here & never been sick. A regular water filter just gets rid of...
One of the teachers at Dober was telling her students who were putting on a skit that she didn't want any "yard talk." 🙂
It was per bulb & I think at the time I saw the same 100 watt bulbs for over $3.00 each at K-Mart. These bulbs will outlive me! I'll never go throug...
Also, don't forget that some of the local specialists don't want a new doctor horning in on their territory.
That's a really good question. The problem here is that most people sort of grab what they can when they see it on the shelves if they need it becaus...
For sure, that's the truth about the 10 year olds. How do you find your connection details?
Email's working again.
They can make friends on all 3 islands. Less crime overall on STJ.
I don't understand. Female Superior?
Just select Virgin Islands & check off the first 2 boxes & you'll have the office to contact in STX & STT.
Well, I told you he was speshul. 😀
Thanks, Anita!
You could try applying for security at the large hotels/resorts.