Last seen: December 18, 2018 10:10 am
I agree but getting rid of the barkers is a step in the right direction.
I've heard really good things about Journeys Spa at Windham. I know it's a resort but lots of locals go there. Give 'em a call & mention you're a lo...
Medicare is accepted. Not by all doctors but more & more all the time. Can't help with the other insurance questions but I'm sure others will know.
Trade, guidelines for guns vs.guidlines for parenting??? I'm trying not be REALLY pissed off at that comment we are after all entiled to our own opini...
Check into the ease of using a British passport. I had heard that it's not any (or much) easier than for a US citizen. Maybe that's changed.
Was in front of the Lucinda Millin home at rush hour yesterday behind a smaller safari loaded with tourists "back to the ship" & one tossed an empty p...
There's a heck of a lot more education required for a legal gun than there is for parenting.
EE, I got the impression it was the other threads here, not this one.
It's really such a hassle flying any more that I hate to do it & I used to love it. And don't get me started on the Miami airport. :X
There's an email address here:
Here's some old info including the name.
Was he the same one who used to take people to Green Cay to stargaze years ago?
Oh, I know he is. I've had to spend a lot of time in his waiting room & have heard him yelling at the workers (the ones who've been there for a while...
Welcome to the wonderful world of aging. I try to comfort myself that I look better than Keith Richards (only a female version) but then, folks who h...
Doesn't Shipwreck across from Havensight have pool tables???
Exactly right, Sailaway. 😀
Gee, a quarter was a big haul when I was that age. How time flies....
Dr. Williamson in Frenchman's Bay is good with cats. Two friends of mine wouldn't go elsewhere. Dr. Moore in Red Hook is also good as far as cats go...
Talk to your doctors & the hospital & work out a payment plan. Good luck.
Didn't feel a thing.
I'd hate to be 25 again unless I could be smarter than I was at the time. Where's Tammy?
How you situate your house on your lot is key. I've never lived with A/C down here & never needed it.
At the risk of being accused of being negative & since you asked: You work much harder here for every nickel you get. Everything is much more e...
I have friends who did & raved about it but were also a little shell-shocked over the price but everything is very expensive there.
It's as dumb as the people who sued McDonald's because their kids got fat from eating there every day. How does he explain the centuries of gays ...