Last seen: December 18, 2018 10:10 am
Mine's acting OK but I had to unplug the box thing & plug it in. Do you use Crap Cleaner? I run it nearly every day & it gets rid of a bunch of junk...
You might be able to. It's tougher without a car but if you luck into a job fairly near to where you live in Red Hook it would help. Good luck with ...
So go ahead & change what you can. There's a very good prayer used by many AA's: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change...
Probably was a new person or just not too bright.
It's just easier to fall into here. It's cheap, nobody thinks anything about it, you can drive with it, etc. I've never had a drink here. Luckily.
Have a real Cuban sandwich for me!
Uh, read again. Nobody said the islands are fine.
Tell them to open a branch here!
How exciting! Hope all goes well with the move.
The cashier was really clueless because there was no ship on port yesterday. Buy all the liquor you want.
They'd need to build on an annex for all the crooks in the government. They ought to be in one though. That's why my eye operation cost triple the a...
Actually, it's the uninitiated preying on the rest. :@) Enjoy STJ!
Just got a nice shower. (tu)
Did you check the Classified section of this board? Click on Forum List at the top. Good luck.
Send it here when you're done.
Why aren't they doing those market basket surveys in the paper anymore? You know, where they'd price a bunch of basics from different stores & compar...
Did you check the Classified forum on this site? If not, post over there too. Just don't rent anything sight unseen.
Not a bad idea at all.
Well, not surprising since I can't even remember my cell phone number. 😉
Yes! L'Escargot & Entre Nous. Crazy Cow for the best burgers bar none! I don't remember Kum Wah too fondly though. Papagayo in Tillet was owned by...
Can't you slap a lien on the homes where the generators are? I know Food Center changes the dates on their cryo-vac meat. A while back I was in ...
Wait, was it Williams & Daniel???
Barnacle Bill's & Stixx!!! Thank you. I've been going nuts over those 2 names. There were really some interesting shops downtown that are gone too ...
Ask whoever hired you if they know of any apartments right by the Reef. That would solve your problem. Or is there any way you could save enough to ...