Last seen: December 18, 2018 10:10 am
I get to sing to YOU! Happy Anniversary to you, Happy Anniversary to you, Happy Anniversary, dear EE, Happy Anniversary to you! (and many...
I've been thinking a lot about this lately, who the heck do I go to about problems in my area Here's how a problem got solved in our area without...
If noone responds here, check the Vacation board. Some folks there might have stayed there.
Write anything you want, trw. Are those Biddles related to Sydney Barrows Biddle, the madam they nailed years ago? I think that was her name.
Entirely possible!
Why remove the thread?
I don't think you can pack aerosol cans, can you??? Definitely get all the sun products up there. They'll be cheaper. I think people just pick up to...
Another good lesson that you can't believe everything or everyone on the internet. I learned as a small child to be careful of strangers.
Just as I opened this thread the power went out. :@) Love our generator.
There's an Atlas Leasing in the white pages. LaGrande Princesse 718-2886
It would be a little odd for Trw to be a bigot against gay guys. 🙂
You'd have to take a cab in either case.
I only found 5 or so posts by that person on the Classifieds. He was selling scooters. How did he have scooters to sell if he just got here? You be...
Good luck with your new adventure. Hope all goes well for you.
You might hate it after a year so personally, I wouldn't sell your house in DE right now. Besides, the market's not that great in the States at the m...
Good old Rum & Coke. I saw Coke not too long ago. He looked OK so I don't know if he ever shaped up or not.
Like that means anything.
Heard an interesting story today. Seems one of the better known downtown had a kid as a dishwasher who showed up for work drunk or high. The restau...
Hey, at least Chuckie isn't running, is she? 😮 She may be like Al Capone - only in jail because of income tax evasion.
She said she was looking on St. Thomas.
We'll get some rain. (tu)
No, but he's going to reduce property taxes, and lower commercial & residential rents. What a genius & some will believe his blather if he has enough...
I was given a pamphlet for Smokey Frett when I bought my paper. One of is more outrageous things to do is to pay off people's mortgages so when they ...
Makes sense to me! :@)
Oh, and the Dept. of Interior will look into it if enough is heard from us. There was quite a flurry of activity about 10 years ago over another matt...