Last seen: December 18, 2018 10:10 am
His sister was raped & murdered as well (not here though) but I've spoken to his estranged brother, John many years ago & was told sharks got them. I...
If you haven't been here before, you might want to do a visit beforehand to check it out. Hard to set up anything without being here. Don't rent any...
You can try Keith Handley. He used to do a lot of electrical work at our condos. I don't know if he's a certified electrician or not. Last number ...
Kelsey Grammar's half-brother was killed by sharks but that was many years ago off STT.
Don't rent before you see the place in person. You can always stay short term in places like Villa Fairview until you find what you want.
I thought there was a scrap yard in Turpentine Run...
You might want to send your resume to some banks or as Bombi said, financial firms. I know a couple of guys with MBA's who work for an EDC corp. basi...
They eat pickles too. I've fed them at Fungi's. One even stepped on the grill. They're not real bright.
It's Public Works on STT that does it, I think.
Here I think they spraypaint something on the windshield with orange paint.
This was worse than any Ihop I've been to. :@)
Just make sure you don't wander into BVI waters. 😀
I've never known anyone to buy a car in Puerto Rico. Cheaper to buy in Florida.
I think the iguanas are protected now. Not sure it's legal to keep as pets. They used to eat them.
Rancid grease & half raw eggs with burned hash browns cooked in the rancid grease had nothing to do with power. No need to rant, Betty but someone wi...
Betty, I think the guy who opened has a Subway franchise also but still didn't make it. Seriously, the food was really horrible. I think nobody was ...
I lost what little I had in that line during Marilyn. The only thing left was a studio portrait of my father & I was so mad I just pitched that one. ...
There are no rabies in the Virgin Islands.
Well, T, go right ahead and Force the governor to declare a state of emergency to have the federal government come back into the VI and set things str...
Check the Classified section of this forum. You might want to post your request there also.
I've said this before. Be careful with condos. Don't just check out the condo fees, check their history of assessments to the owners. IMO, the more...
Wrong, Linda. All VI residents fly first class free, space available. 😉 Oh, wait. That's just senators and hospital directors & their wives.
AT&T/Cingular & Sprint are the main ones. Electricity is the same as on the mainland.
That was my first thought.
My land line & DSL costs $72.32 (Innovative). Expanded basic cable $53.50. This is on STT. I have a 2 BR without A/C & my last electric bill with t...