Last seen: December 18, 2018 10:10 am
Nothing could make me move to STX (since everyone is voicing their opinions). I don't think the views can be beaten on STT & I just prefer the vibe h...
Works for me too.
Just wait until the soon to be in place defense team comes up with some reason that it was the victim's fault, Trw. Face it. Some are just flat out ...
You might go to the local vets, like Dr. Williamson to introduce your dog & ask the staff & him there to let you know of any rentals that are pet frie...
Which Saba? There's one off Sint Maarten.
I've used drugstore.com & I think they do give us free shipping but every order takes ages to get here for some reason.
He sure must be related to that FBI Frett jerk as he really resembles him. Scum-sucking bastid. Just think, it's entirely possible that Mr. Lerner w...
Depends on which islands you're talking about. If it's the BVI's, then ferries. Otherwise, airlines like LIAT, Seaborne, AA, etc.
No problem with same sex couples that I've seen or heard about. No idea where the gay nightlife is but I'm sure it's here.
My hot water tank under my kitchen sink has an on/off switch. Not going to be here long enough to get a tankless water heater but a friend had one & ...
Not for every purchase all the time but Land's End has online coupons at times for free shipping & also Coldwater Creek sometimes offers it. If I rec...
Great minds think alike, Piaa.... 😀 Even though my rate is higher than most, I've still never gotten my bill that low even being gone for a week or...
You may not be hearing from employers because many pay no attention to resumes sent when you're not on island.
My refrigerator is energy star. If you're in an apartment, did they rewire you so that a neighbor is getting socked with some of your bill? :@)
Odd because lately it seems to me there are more STX. All VI's are different.
What kind of work do you do?
Lizard, you're missed! Glad to "see" you here.
I don't have A/C, am not home all day, only run 1 ceiling fan, use the energy saving bulbs in the one lamp I use & no way could I have a $70-$80 bill ...
Danny, scroll down & read the thread titled "stx today, comments" and also the many other threads relating to life in the VI. Best of luck.
Google catharsolus.
Don't rent anything sight unseen unless it's a hotel or guest house.
Jules, I think he may have written the stories with made-up names & then later clued in everyone as to who the characters & places were in real life.
Mr. Lopera is the one Western Auto uses for repairs to the appliances they sell. He shows up when he says he will, too.