Last seen: December 18, 2018 10:10 am
Did you post this on the Classified forum here?
Check the Classified section on this forum (click on Forum List above.) What kind of work do you do? Children involved? You'll have some adapti...
I'll let you know what I find out.
The so called conservatives are driven by their faith Conservatives aren't all driven by religion. The late William F. Buckley was hardly a bib...
You're on St. Thomas, right? If you're downtown, Gladys' or Cuzzins. I had some good curry chicken (green) at Johnny Mango's in Ft. Mylner . Or ...
It won't if the voucher only says, "lower 48."
Aren't there any drop-off laundry services on STX? We have those on STT. Costs more, though.
Is Soft Touch the place in Port of Sale? I thought she moved to a different location but I'll check on that. There are a couple of places listed in ...
Do the Vets have to apply for payment or does the insured pay the vet bill & then get reimbursed? If the former, you'd probably have to check with th...
Many of us take for granted what was hard fought for by others. A good day to show our appreciation though we should every day.
Sorry, Stt007, I misread your post to mean nobody should respond except Alexandra. That's what I get for being bleary-eyed early in the AM.
I didn't get the violence thing either. I know someone who got busted & put into jail (statesider) and it certainly wasn't violent. Not any experien...
Bumping this up in case someone has the info.
Did you check the Classified section of this forum? Click on Forum List above. You might want to post there also.
And Wesselhoft on STJ is voted out. YAY!
And when ARE you moving down, sundevil & which island?
I agree! I didn't realize Margot was still on-island.
Funny, how the Rasta-style dialect comes & goes... 😉
So the OP has cancer, glaucoma or MS? as a side note, most of you sound like you have a privileged mindset, always talking about how badly gated ...
Ohhhh, didn't catch the acronym.
I got my check but many others here haven't. 🙁
Sundevil, you know it's illegal here & what does all this debate have to do with moving to the VI? This is a relocation board, not a platform for you...
What's VIMC?