Last seen: December 18, 2018 10:10 am
*-) :@)
If you move to STT make sure not to order a liter of cola. Huh?
AT&T works in Frenchman's Bay at my place. Sprint does too but the service is spotty in places & doesn't work at all at my house.
Conjunctivitis is very contagious. Not that unusual anywhere for an outbreak.
What island? I assume you've applied at the hotels???
Yes. The biggest are AT&T & Sprint. On STT, you get spotty service in a few locations e.g. at my house Sprint doesn't work.
If you move to STT, don't rent anything sight unseen. A good idea would be to stay in a place like Villa Fairview www.villafairview.com until you n...
If the debit card has Visa/Mastercard on it, I think most places take them. Unless you're living in town & on city water, everyone has cisterns & sep...
The Boy Scouts are very active.
Most areas are residential for families.
I don't know exact figures but if you're in the right spot & are good, you can do OK as long as you don't fall hard into the partying, drinking/druggi...
Statesiders live all over the place. Have you been here before? Restaurant biz is tough everywhere but especially here. You might want to work in on...
Just an FYI, if you get rats, use rum balls to bait the traps. They love 'em.
What is the last part of the address you were sending TO? For example aol.com, etc. I would think there's nothing you can do at your end but your fa...
All right! Trade's favorite song is coming! 😛 Also, mine- "Ho, ho, ho! How will Santa get here?"
You left out a T in the http.
The owner posts here, Ronnie. I've never heard a complaint & knew someone who lived there a while when he first moved down & he liked it.
I never heard of Snake Island. Did you move your pet with you?
"I don't expect to change your mind, just to perhaps see if you can expand your paradigm so you might give it some thought from a different perspectiv...
I don't want to buy your book, thanks.
At least the OP is trying to find them a home. Lots of people just leave the animals to fend for themselves.
I was told the Soft Touch owner is selling clothing from her home. Overhead for a shop is too high right now. If I track down her number, I'll PM yo...
Don't forget hotels.
Aren't you the one who talked about all the crimes you committed on STT over on Vacations, smashing up cars parked? :@)
That sounds pretty good for here. Don't rent anything sight unseen. You could stay at a place like Villa Fairview until you get a job & decide which...