Last seen: December 18, 2018 10:10 am
I agree. I'm sure whoever complained is hardly Ernest Hemingway him/herself & so, do we need to take a vote on JJ stories? If so, put me on the side...
Thanks. (I only remembered it because I get my mail next door.)
They do. I just looked in the Yellow Pages under Notaries & they're listed.
Doesn't East End Secretarial in the upper part of Red Hook Plaza do notary work?
Amen to that, Kim. Got home from work very late last night (after dark.) Had left the sliding door open so the dog could go on the deck as I do ...
But Sabrina, you don't build any equity when you rent. If you're going to stay on island for any length of time that rent money is just gone. In a c...
STT, I've only bought tires at Rodriguez so I don't know about repairs but they work really fast & are most helpful. I can't remember the name of the...
There is a new version of AAA for roadside assistance now in STT. I don't know anyone yet who has it yet, though.
If you need a repair for a puncture, there's an older gentleman in Smith Bay across from the road leading to Coki on the west side of the road at the ...
sorry if I upset you HUH?
Awwww. I want one but I can't take one.
It doesn't matter which we'd choose. This is the kind of post where people start slamming the island they don't live on. You'll have to make the dec...
Daycare assistance? Have you been to the VI before?
It's difficult/almost impossible to lock down a job unless you're here. Most employers don't want to talk to you unless you're here. Economy isn't g...
That's a nice thing you did, Limetime.
Apartments rent for what the market can bear. Rentals here are more expensive than a lot of stateside places in general as is most everything. Check...
What's your degree in? What kind of work do you plan to find?
Try Ted Tunick or Guardian.
Glad you had a place to stay, trw. Not a good time of year to be living in a place you hate but I hope once your place if finally completed it become...
Not easy moving those things here on STT though. There are a few by town but they're between buildings. One is down by LC Milliner.
If I remember correctly, some were brought in after hurricanes for temp. housing. It's scary enough being in a bad storm in a concrete building. Wo...
If you have an online photo storing site like Photobucket, put them there & just put the link here. That little picture next to the smiley icon will ...
I saw this elsewhere too. Good t'ing!
Not to mention hurricanes...
Contact Smokey at Mango Tango Art Gallery when you get here. He's a part-time musician & even if his music isn't what you play he could probably hook...