Last seen: December 18, 2018 10:10 am
Great news!
I know a lot of the money goes to "administrative staff" (not teachers) i.e. a government paycheck instead of supplies & physical maintenance of the...
Oh, I don't know. I remember years ago going to a cross-dressing fashion show at Wet Willie's. No problems then.
I've had 2 rescues dumped by continentals so it's not just West Indians. Both were left in my neighborhood by statesiders who returned to the mainlan...
As I said on your other thread, it's gay tolerant. What do you mean about what's available?
Scroll down here at this link & you'll find a couple of short-term places to stay:
I think it's very gay tolerant. There are better places to stay than the one Ronnie mentioned. Have you been here before? If not, you might want ...
Safety, nice for what?
If there is, it's not doing much.
It has been talked about for eons but there is no formal hospitality training in a place where so much money comes from tourism. Too many think of wo...
Join the Chamber of Commerce, Rotary & other organizations & network, network, network. Volunteering help with charitable groups is another way to ge...
There's always been a real need for a good trade school down here. UVI isn't for everyone & good plumbers, mechanics (auto & boat) & electricians can...
In an odd way, litter is a sign of relative prosperity. Years & years ago you didn't see litter. People went to the market with baskets, weren't buy...
And be prepared to work harder than you ever had before. That's usually the case.
They can just mail in all the gold jewelry they sell now & get mailed back the money per the TV ads.
I know a "continental" who lost $2,000,000.00 with Stanford. I'm not shedding any tears for HIM though.
I don't see near the number of mongoose that I used to.
Now that you mention it, EE I think you're right in your observation.
The original poster was asked repeatedly what the issue was & never returned to this thread to explain which was certainly a tip-off to me that someth...
BTW . . . I just found one live millipede, and so it begins Told ya!
They're gathering their forces for a surprise attack when you least expect it. 😀
Have a safe trip.
It's on the BBC-America news now.
Brinni, what island are you moving to?
If you're hard to fit in clothing or shoes, etc. stock up up there. If you regularly take medicine & can get prescriptions filled for a year's worth,...