Last seen: December 18, 2018 10:10 am
You can't buy drinks on Good Friday until after 4:00 PM (I think it's 4:00 PM)
NO!!!!! :@)
Some blame might be put to those who just don't care as long as they're getting their paychecks & multiple holidays per year. That is a problem with ...
Or Betsy's in Frenchtown. Also try Sibs on the north side or Hull Bay Hideaway.
Good to know. Best of luck moving that lab.
You weren't featured on America's Most Wanted, were you? 😮
Aw, you're a day late & a dollar short. I reported yesterday they were at Hull Bay while they were still there. 😀
It doesn't go through Bolongo or Frenchman's Bay. The realtor probably saw a regular safari picking up a friend.
They were filming America's Most Wanted today at Hull Bay.
My jaw dropping...
IMO, a lot of people don't trust them. We've had our share of crooked cops. More than our share, in fact.
Sauter & Associates also is a tax preparer.
For personal tax returns, I use Rosemary Sauter on Raphune Hill 777-3490 on the same level as Paint Depot.
None are as busy as they should be unfortunately. The high season is traditionally Dec. 15 to April 15. Shoulder season is Nov. to Dec.14 & approxim...
I was in there about 6 weeks ago dropping off a ton of stuff, asked at the desk & she gave me the forms with no problems. Edited to add, it was the ni...
Most landlords won't even consider renting to you unless you're here and don't rent anything sight unseen. The economy here is not good, just like ev...
Due to present physical circumstances, I can't volunteer now but have done tons of volunteering there before & to get a charity statement, which I ass...
People tend to think it's all beaches & pina coladas but the reality is you'll probably work harder here than anywhere else you've ever lived. Someti...
On STT, Sprint doesn't work where I live but does in other areas so I use AT&T. It all depends on where you'll be on STT/STJ which are both hilly. ...
Hinges on cabinets, appliances, light fixtures, lamps - the list is endless. Good idea to keep washers/dryers & refrigerators waxed with car polish.
I don't think the private schools pay better either but they might be less challenging to teach in. Good teachers are needed in both.
Philip Sturm, downtown Charlotte Amalie Jan Michaels at Marriott's Frenchman's Reef Just Cuts in Buccaneer Mall across from Havensight or in...
It sucks & it will get worse. Look for many business closings come summer. Unfortunately.
I live on STT & don't feel like I'm living on top of anyone.
You can never go by what a government employee tells you on the phone. Trust me on this. You learned the hard way.