Famed Member
Joined: December 12, 2006 9:35 pm
Last seen: December 18, 2018 10:10 am
Topics: 16 / Replies: 3888
Re: stx today,comments

You moth-murderers, you. 😉 Had a bad experience at Pueblo, not that that's unusual but after work they had 2 cashiers + the Express Check-out & the...

17 years ago
Re: Point Pleasant & Other Condos for Sale

How many units are there at Pt. Pleasant?

17 years ago
Re: stx today,comments

Have you ever noticed the police never use turn signals?

17 years ago
Re: stx today,comments

Darned sharks are never around when you need 'em.

17 years ago
Re: Pen Pals for kids moving to VI

If you don't get a response, you might check the site below. Don't know if it's still going on but wouldn't hurt to see.

17 years ago
Re: Zizzler's on STX

I heard through that famous grapevine that the Hooters girls aren't real happy down here since they're not making the tips they do elsewhere. I also ...

17 years ago
Re: Health Insurance

Will your wife be working when you move here? If so, she'll probably have insurance.

17 years ago
Re: Point Pleasant & Other Condos for Sale

It's pretty much that way all year long. Maybe people just put them up for sale & figure if they get their price, they'll sell. If they're not livin...

17 years ago
Re: stx today,comments

There's a dog on our road who must have taken lessons from your man cow. Black Lab mix who lies right in the middle of the road and will not move. H...

17 years ago
Re: Need Cheap Short term rental STT

I'm guessing he means the Island Trader. It's online at the Daily News site, I think.

17 years ago
Re: Interested in buying a mooring STT

"(picture 4 toilets and an air bladder in a 12 ft dinghy with me riding high on top all the way to deep water dock at Water Island)" This sounds ...

17 years ago
Re: stx today,comments

Some day you're going to crash, trw & won't wake up for a week & a half. Had another near miss with 2 tourists on a rental scooter. They're busy gaw...

17 years ago
Re: capital gains question (ewwww)

I "think" they'd be considered income from the VI. I've sold stocks a while back & didn't send payment for partial taxes to Philadelphia & I always h...

17 years ago
Re: Innovative DSL Speeds

On dial-up I'm zooming along at 31.2 Kbps. 🙂

17 years ago
Re: Finally settling in STX!

"One thing that always boughtered me was that everyone complained about the problems, yet no one did anything about it. " So what are YOU going t...

17 years ago
Re: STT Feb 25th give or take a few days

Good luck on your move! It's not as difficult to find a place with a pet now as it used to be so I hope you'll be able to get your own place quickly.

17 years ago
17 years ago
Re: Zizzler's on STX

I've never understood why anyone goes through all the headaches & expense of opening a restaurant & then NEVER serves edible food. I've seen that so ...

17 years ago
Re: Short Term Stay and Job

Check out Villa Fairview, owned by Ronnie who posts here & is very helpful.

17 years ago
Re: Rental/House

Hard to recommend a location. Some people (like me) love the south side of STT, others only would live on the East End, others prefer the North Side....

17 years ago
Re: stx today,comments

60 below? I never want to live like a popsicle again. All I did was read & nap. Back to work today.

17 years ago
Re: stx today,comments

I want to do the Atlantis submarine so I'll try it this summer when they give a break to locals.

17 years ago
Re: Why?

Geeze, what a horrible thing for your wife to go through. So glad she made it through. Scary.

17 years ago
Re: STX - Help find a home for a lonely and gentle puppy

Well, go back & look again, trw. Sounds like the dog is small so he/she wouldn't take up a lot of room. . .

17 years ago
Re: stx today,comments

What does roundtrip on the seaplane cost these days? You might feel out of place here - I haven't seen any nekkid people lately - just the guy peeing...

17 years ago
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