Last seen: December 18, 2018 10:10 am
Hey, congratulations! JJ will be an uncle.
And that's different from the mainland, how???
I've often seen the Daily News print stories that weren't in the blotter & usually mention something like, "XYZ, the police spokesman was not availabl...
I use First & know they will take older cars. Check with Tunick, too.
The issues of concern for a lot of politicians are how much they can line their pockets & how many retirement checks they can collect.
Congrats, trw on 16 years. Lizard, give my best to those Vets. They are appreciated. Can't figure out what's with all the rain lately. I hope ...
No, an eco-bar is one that doesn't use plastic cups, they just pass the bottle of Cruzan.
EE, they probably heard you singing "that song" & thought this WAS Mexico. 🙂
Posted by: piaa (IP Logged) Date: March 24, 2007 09:00PM A few places that ship via USPS Priority (the cheapest way) J Crew Nordstrom Bea...
For a dermatologist on STT, I use Dr. Carolyn Jones. She works out of Red Hook Plaza or a new office at Yacht Haven Grande. 775-2303
silk Greenery in Ft. Mylner Shopping Center has nice furniture & Mango Tango at Al Cohen's Plaza on Raphune Hill has some beautiful pieces. You could...
Jet Blue's already going to Sint Maarten.
Heard some bad news today. Chico's in Yacht Haven Grande is closing March 31. I thought they seemed to be doing well & every time I went in there se...
Interesting. Most condos on STT don't have access to city water.
Betty, guess your husband better get busy then. 🙂
Great news! I hope it's the same one. Bless you for adopting her even if it's not the same dog. You'll be repaid many times.
That's good news. Isn't it true the first 24-48 hours are most important after a heart attack? Hope he continues to recover. Amazingly the traf...
A friend was a massage therapist on STT & she was busy all year long.
Did you ever wonder what trolls did before the internet? Prank phone calls, I suppose. I want a daily report on our favorite crabhunter! Does h...
Atlantic City isn't a walk in the park & E. St. Louis, ILLINOIS is immediately across the river from St. Louis where there are lots of visitors. Prop...
I wouldn't buy anywhere without it, especially here but don't if you feel like you're being ripped off. It's your money.
Nonsense. Cabrini Green in Chicago, some areas of the Bronx, East St. Louis - I could go on & on. You really must get out more often. 🙂
www.reliablerealty.com www.usvi-realestate.com www.hangyourhammock.com Also check out the classified board here on this site by clickin...
Yes, you can find a 2 bedroom for $1500.00. You might want to rent where it's easy to commute to your job - you wouldn't want to live in Red Hook nec...