Honorable Member
Joined: May 23, 2008 8:02 pm
Topics: 72 / Replies: 451
Re: New Choice Internet & Phone Service

How does our gov't allow this to happen? Take work away from local people that could service the SBA sites. Since SBA has zero employees from the USV...

14 years ago
14 years ago
Replies: 8
Views: 1504
Replies: 1
Views: 1614

Great news conference on the ecology of illegals crossing through the desert. Taken from today's new conference.

15 years ago
Re: Termites!

Thanks, do you buy it on island? on stx? We have always shipped it in from a DIY Pest Control store in the states. You might call around to see i...

15 years ago
Re: Termites!

We use "Timbor" for termite treatment. It's a wonderful DIY product and highly effective. We use it every spring and so far no problem with termites. ...

15 years ago
Re: Twitter

I may be a lot of things...but a stalker I am not, nor do I have a posse of PM followers that I post their inquiring questions to other posters. ...

15 years ago
Re: Twitter

"I do not tweet now, I have never before tweeted, I do not expect to tweet in the future, and I feel ridiculous even referring to something an adult d...

15 years ago
Re: Twitter

Andrea, "- to explain yourself, because I don't care." I think you do care or you wouldn't be posting your opinion and those from your PM's. ...

15 years ago
Re: Twitter

Andrea You're on Twitter got your account blocked doesn't that mean the same? btw, is this another of your PM conversations about folks here? "a...

15 years ago
Re: Twitter

LOL @ anyone nervous about being tweeted. anything posted on this board is on the heckin' INTERNET. As always you have missed my point!

15 years ago
Re: WAPA Rate for May

TY Juanita I'm going to call WAPA in the AM and inquire why our rate is so high.

15 years ago
Re: Twitter

Just saying....a lot of people post personal info... now that this board is on Twitter probably won't...which includes me in the mix.

15 years ago
Re: Twitter

Bumping so everyone is aware their views hit Twitter

15 years ago
Re: WAPA Rate for May

Ours was at .645 per kilowatt hour. Juanita, how did yours come to that rate?

15 years ago
Re: Search over Princess last night

This was in the Daily News this AM

15 years ago
15 years ago
Replies: 30
Views: 2896
Re: Online shopping: Who will ship to the VI (without costing an arm and a leg)

Back orders and long wait for items that was sold as in stock. A friend waited close to 8 weeks for item and then the time to ship here. Was disappo...

15 years ago
Re: WAPA Executive Director Salary

I believe my last bill figured in at .645 per kilowatt hour. Yowsa electric is expensive

15 years ago
Re: Moving spices via airline

I've always placed them in my checked baggage with no problems other than a TSA bag checked slip inside.

15 years ago
Re: Online shopping: Who will ship to the VI (without costing an arm and a leg)

Juanita, You're the first person I've heard report 'good things' about Buy.com. Thanks for the heads up. Tippi

15 years ago
Re: great magazine article

Organic gardening good to know and happy to lean we are doing it here 1 farm at a time.

15 years ago
Re: Online shopping: Who will ship to the VI (without costing an arm and a leg)

Woohoo just received my Skechers Tone-Ups with "Free USPS Priority Mail" from Quite comfortable for $39.99 Tippi

15 years ago
Re: 2010 hurricane outlook

Alrighty then! Terry, it doesn't matter if Jenn posts or Betty posts. Both are welcome to post their views. Capice?

15 years ago
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