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Joined: February 27, 2006 1:51 am
Topics: 20 / Replies: 30
Re: Large Dog shipping / traveling

This was over 4 years ago, but we flew AA to San Juan, then got a small private charter from there. If you can get to St. Thomas, there are some ...

12 years ago
Re: Who ships to VI?

Crutchfield.com - Electronics (free shipping) Vitamin Shoppe Best Buy - smaller items Chad

12 years ago
Re: Adult soccer league/pick-up games STX?

There is a fairly competitive league here in St. Croix. It is a small league. The league (18 games) generally runs from August to December with, wit...

12 years ago
Re: Can anyone rec a small merchant acct provider?

A year ago you needed a stateside address to use Square. I saw a few people at Christmas Spoken Here on Sunday using a phone swiper, so that may have...

12 years ago
Re: STX Trash pick up costs?

We pay VI Regulated Waste Management roughly $25/month for twice weekly service. It may be a few dollars more than that. Chad

12 years ago
Re: Recommendation for private chef? STX

No worries Iris, I loved Jill's food too. I knew she had sold but didn't know she had moved.

12 years ago
Re: Recommendation for private chef? STX

Marlene, unfortunately I don't have those answers. I was just wanting contact info to give to the renters so they could work things out with the chef...

12 years ago
Replies: 11
Views: 1649
Re: Residents: Interesting article on JF's gate policy

Just to clarify what is happening at the moment, id is still being asked, but it is not being held. I think that was done for a few days last month. ...

12 years ago
Re: Building a Home On STX

Hey EngRMP, yeah, the HHI show is kind of like the Cliff Notes version of our process. Of course they only film you looking at 3 houses, but in real...

12 years ago
Re: best homeowners insurance?

As far as I know USAA does not write homeowner's insurance in the VI. We use Inter-Ocean. I haven't had to "use" them so I don't know how good they ...

12 years ago
Re: Building a Home On STX

Hi Pia, thank you for the comments. Our pool is 10x20. I was leaning toward not having a pool, but my wife really wanted one, so we settled on a sma...

12 years ago
Re: Building a Home On STX

EngRMP, I also said "I could do that myself" so many times. I found that the problem with that was most of the time it took me much longer than antic...

12 years ago
Re: Building a Home On STX

We just finished building a home in Judith's Fancy. We built on a flat lot and ended up spending right around $300/sq ft, not including land purchase...

12 years ago
Re: Solar System Experience

I don't want to discourage anyone, but it took DPNR three months to sign off on our install. I am still waiting for WAPA approval and the bi-directio...

13 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 774
Re: STX - Items for Sale (fridge, tv, dresser, safe)

The fridge, safe and water bottles have been sold. 5 drawer solid wood chest/dresser - $100 Sony Trinitron 32" CRT Television - $100 400+ con...

13 years ago
Re: Rowdy Joe's Feedback

Wow, this thread took off. Ms Information asks "How importan is ice cream"? A valid question I suppose but as a former restaurant owner I would ...

13 years ago
Replies: 73
Views: 11778
Re: What Not To Miss: 2/9 - 2/15

The St. Croix Animal Welfare Center's annual Fur Ball is Saturday evening (the 11th) at Reminisce in Queen's Quarters.

13 years ago
Re: Need a garage door installer - STX

DixieChick, I wish I knew that two weeks ago. 🙂 I shipped mine in from Miami. Beachy, let me know if you find out. Thanks, Chad

13 years ago
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