Hello kk, My only advice is to buy a sleeper sofa or futon. The places here are smaller than the States and if you plan on having visitors or fa...
Thanks Islander! I will try to contact them. I had the number as 777-7713 so no wonder. Must have been a misprint or I misread... Thankyou aga...
Good evening Islander, I read those two articles about the home school group, but I am having a hard time getting a hold of them. I am consideri...
Thanks for writing that! You were so detailed, put me to shame! 😉 The more I drive around Charlotte Amalie the more it reminds me of the French Q...
We just cleared customs yesterday and our stuff is literally surrounding me as I write. You need a detailed list of everything you shipped and just t...
Thanks everyone. We have completed a major ordeal. Just getting here. Now minor details like unpacking inbetween trips to the beach are nothing. ;-...
Iris, Sorry, I haven't replied to questions earlier. I am online when the phone lines allow me to be. We used Crowley to ship our household goo...
Fredrik and Heather, I am so sorry to not have met you. I believe Heather had an offer to work at my husband's company. I do understand your co...
Also, if you are on island than pick up an Island Trader. I have found that to be one of the better resources. Also, you can put an ad in similar to...
I flew to and from D.C. during an 'orange' alert time period. The pilot announced that no one could move from their seat 30 minutes prior to arrival...
Daniel, If you are from Lousiana then think back to what the weather was like in Spring. That is basically what it is like here. The temperatur...
Hi Katie, The school situation is dependent on your perspective and what you are used to. The main problems that I understand are overcrowded cl...
I believe you Island Paul. I am digging thru archives. I used to have a picture of some waterspouts. I will try to find them. I would rather have ...
Hello Josh, I am sure others will answer some of your questions, but as far as jet ski's. I have seen a few. They don't have a ramp, but they j...
John, My husband and I have been searching for a 3 bedroom since May. We found some that were not in our price range and some that were not good...
Hello Vaughan, Welcome to the board. We do get to know each other on this board so feel free to tell us about your move and what you discover. ...
Hello All, Rumor is that a few ships have already booked tours to STX starting next January. I can't remember which ships, but it may change thi...
Hi Suzanne, LOL!!! I am so looking forward to moving with my husband...;-) Hopefully my brother and my dad and a few others will help. Last tim...
That describes it to a T! Teresa
Katy, There were a few that posted every once in a while. What specific field of medicine? Or are you a nurse? Teresa
Rachel, I should have told everyone about that one (formula). I traveled to visit St. Thomas in May or early June (I have already forgotten) wit...
Jon, I don't know much about that, but I would think a better idea is to buy an already established business. You might check around and see if ...
Hey HC and Jim, Thanks for the advice. I have been going crazy back and forth between excitement and uncertainty. I know I won't completely rel...