We have no idea why, but yes caller-id on the islands just doesn't seem to exist. You should get caller id from numbers state side though. You might...
My husband's allergies actually got better here than in the States. It probably depends on what your allergy is related too. Just my little post...
Sounds good. What is the best viewing point? Teresa
Ooo! Much fun! We will be there! Teresa
Josh, Yes there are a couple of internet cafe's. What island? Darby Kirby, Island Paul's internet is the cheapest that I know of. The...
Hello Kmulhoon, You might want to check out www.niceplacetostay.com It sounds like it would be right for you. Nice place. I haven't stayed th...
Hi Kendra, I would think if you have it professionally vaccum packed in plastic that it would be okay. I left mine at my parents house back in t...
Lee, What is your email address? Or just email me. I will send you info on 'our' realtor and some others you may want to contact. Teresa
Jeni, Homeschooling has gone well, I think. My mother is a 5th grade teacher in the States and has sent quite a bit of good materials. In searc...
My neighbor got his card in two days, however he was able to get it all done that quickly by some luck. You go to the hospital (second floor) between...
Hello Jeni, I have just moved here in August with my husband and three kids. We love it here, but it has been a culture shock and a very hard ad...
Hello Nuggetizer, From what I have heard...there once was some recycling on St. Thomas, but it became too expensive to ship off island. So now ...
Hi Lee, My husband and I are from Kansas City as well. We moved here this year to STT. Can't wait to hear what you thought of everything on you...
The shipping price is only based on the size of container you get. You can fill it or not, same price. Why do you want to buy a container, may I ask...
Yes, they have a dock with the crates. A barge comes in at least once a week. Our truck was shipped here in a crate as well as a second crate for ou...
Sorry LR, We wanted to go, but things didn't work out. Long story. We didn't get the house that we wanted either. Another long weird story. S...
The cabbies are the easiest and probably cheapest way to find out about the island. I was riding from the Marriott to Red Hook and a couple was getti...
Barefoot Bubba, Check the VIN number. From what I understand, if it starts with a 1,2,3, or 4 then it is an American made car and they don't cha...
We spent about $4,000 total to ship our Ford Explorer here from West Palm, FL. That is including taxes and licensing. Looking at the prices of the s...
Hey is that Stu? Are you bringing a blender for drinks? 😉 Just kidding of course. Teresa
I think perception is skewed on the islands. The same problems exist in almost any major city, but in any major city you have more people. So you te...
I was in a Blockbuster store at 11:00 p.m., 7 months pregnant, with my mom, on a Tuesday night. Two masked gunmen came in and robbed the store. One ...
Hi Sara, We just had a thread on this so I cut and paste for you. These were from different people - just to confuse! 😉 Hope this helps! ...
As far as I know, the 'off' season is June thru November - making December thru May the 'on' season. Hurricane season is June thru November, although...
I don't know if this helps, but I have been here since August - my husband since May and we don't recognize the so called 'off season'. Back in the s...