Hello Christie, There are many real estate agents on each island, so you may want to narrow it down to one island. Prices of properties vary qui...
Note - before you go looking for a job, get your health card at the hospital. You won't get a job anywhere (in the food business) without it. I wou...
Ann, I remember a post about shipping from NJ. SuzanneB (back in July) said that Lee from Managed Freight had her drop off her vehicle at a port...
Tom, We just spent $1700 to fly our family of five to Mississippi and that was the cheapest tickets we could find! Use your vacation time to vis...
We also drove to Miami (to ship our vehicle) and then flew to STT from Fort Lauderdale. Flights were cheaper than flying from Missouri anyway. Bou'y...
We drove out to the West End and it is very secluded and beautiful. I got the impression that the people that live on the West End would like to keep...
Hello Eve, It is good to hear from you again. I too tried to email HipCrip with no reply. I pray she pops back on the board again soon. Chris ...
Native Son, Well written! You have peeked my interest - what is the elusive green flash at sunset? I plan to visit 'your' island soon and am lo...
Thanks East Ender! You are very insightful. I won't lie about how long I have been here, but at least I understand! Funny how I didn't think of tha...
Suzanne, I don't think it is negativity that some are posting. We are just offering up our different experiences. I didn't say that STT wasn't ...
Michelle, You never posted again. I hope you got your answer. Jim, Bou'ya, We also used Lee at managed freight. Everything worked smo...
Since I jumped in...Tom, my husband frequently travels to St. Croix for work and tells me that I would most definitely like St. Croix better. I don't...
Tom, I just wanted to add my two cents. I have lived on St. Thomas now for 6 months with my husband and three kids. Kids love it. My husband h...
$5/month - your own post office box at Fortress Storage behind the hospital. They still have some available and you can access your box 7 days a week...
If you do pack your car full of stuff, make sure it doesn't go above the window levels of the car and that the front seats are clear. Also, you can n...
Thank you all for your honesty. It helps to know that I am not the only one feeling this way. I think a lot of it has to do with the social aspect o...
I agree with you FOG, not everyone's experience is the same. It is hard to describe living on the islands, because everyone's perception is different...
My two cents worth: Moving here with kids is extremely difficult. The culture differences, lack of areas for kids to play, etc. It isn't like t...
Island Paul, You are certainly entitled to your own opinion - even if you are wrong. 🙂 (Just kidding - heehee) Just trying to give you a har...
Hello FOG, The website you mentioned said the following: Although not frequent (earthquakes), they have resulted in major damage and loss of life...
The earthquake was located 25 miles north of St. Thomas. I understand that earthquakes are not uncommon here. Teresa
We were at Fortress Storage (STT) and thought a truck had hit the building. We didn't hear a crash though and then realized that a truck couldn't mak...
Any problems with the misprint in the THIS WEEk free mag? They printed that Miracle on Main Street and the Lighted Boat Parade was December 10th. I ...
Hello, We fly to SJU using a smaller airline and then flying to our destination from there. We do the same thing coming back. Just book out of ...
You can find most everything you need down here, just not the brands or prices of Stateside. You might ask her what cooking utensils or cookware she...