Hello, We had no problem changing addresses, however if you want to shop online - there is a catch 22. My postal service place has a stateside a...
The best advice I can give you is to approach the situation from a financial perspective. Make calls to the hospital and doctors offices and find out...
I like LR's idea. Does anyone else have a comment or like the idea? Teresa
Hi Lynne, I disagree with Marty on this subject. My two caucasian/asian children are in public school and I have been pleased with their progres...
Brad, Your enthusiasm runs over! Just one little comment. Also prepare for hurricane season since you are arriving the same time I did last yea...
Please do write a story - short or long. It does help to hear others opinions and experiences. I want to know how is going for you all. Thanks! ...
Ah, the illusive Islander. Chris and I will order our food after 6. We want to sit back and enjoy a few drinks first. So we will be there a while. ...
LR, The 'reservations' sound fine. I am sure it won't be any big deal at all to add more people. In fact I have two more to add for sure. Larr...
Hey LR, we have 8 adults and our baby so far. I didn't post on the travel board so I will do that and see if we have any more. Do you know if there ...
Thanks Ann, I actually do conserve when washing dishes. The problem with soaking dishes is that mosquitos get in the water if left overnight. A...
Weird, I was thinking if I was older and my kids were grown that this transition would have been easier. It is just different for everyone. Coming f...
We also used Lee at Managed Freight (who used Tropical to ship). He took care of everything and delivered our car to us. I would definitely recommen...
Hey this is Teresa! If you all have any questions - feel free to ask away. Last August seems like 10 years ago! 😉 Moving was not fun, but thinkin...
Hello Board, Since I posted this a while back, I thought I would give an update. I enrolled my kids in public school - 1st grade and Kindergarte...
Terry, I have lived here six months. My husband got a job here and we moved the family down three months later. I had the hardest time adjusti...
Hello All, I bet no one even knew that I haven't been on the board for a while! 😉 How does Saturday February 26th sound to everyone? We coul...
I drove by it today. It is called R & J Island Latte. I am thinking of trying it out tomorrow. I will report back! 😉 Side note: Frank's Bake ...
New place just opened on the waterfront on STT in Charlotte Amalie called something Latte. Looks like a nice little coffee shop. I have been meaning...
Hip Hip Hooray!!! Good to 'hear' from you - HipCrip! We were a bit worried and concerned when we didn't see any posts from you. Glad to see you bac...
STX has Mailboxes Etc. if you are familiar with them. 340-719-5131 Teresa
I have to say this, if you go to a movie on STT - go early. They started our movie 5 minutes early and the line for snacks is way long. Also, they r...
Thank you East Ender. I have checked out the Montessori. Great school for a high price! We are still considering it as well in our big bundle of op...
Ansley, Good to hear from you! Well, sorry about the 'downer' conversations. I kind of decided to be more real and less fluff. About the four...