Great posts! I love honesty. I have posted about my highs and lows about moving here. I am still satisfied with moving here, but in the back of my ...
Dave, I shipped a domestic vehicle. Onika, Congrats on the good deal. Waiting on shipping can be a headache. Yes, we love our new home and wi...
Onika, Hi and how are you! Our cost for shipping (for truck only) was the following: $900/shipping $350/brokerage fees (we hired them to ...
Island Paul, I did not know you were 63?!? I thought you were much younger. I guess I should have known, but didn't process it. Cheers to a ma...
Hey ya'll, Sorry, I have been busy with planning the move. I am moving not far from you two! I could meet up with you, I have been wanting to c...
Any idea how you patch those holes when you leave? We are renting and I am not sure how the owner would feel about us putting holes in the walls. I ...
We shipped our vehicle using Lee at Managed Freight last year in August. No problems (other than our lein holder - if you own your vehicle outright t...
I am in the process of becoming a local. I may have added on another year to my process just by saying that, but some of you understand what I mean. ...
Susan, I am wanting to be a customer too! I would love to be able to hang pictures, etc. Pottery Barn catalog had a metal picture hanger type t...
Hello, I love this question! I brought a lot of stuff and wished I hadn't. I think that you want to leave behind a lot of things that go on the...
Hello Nicole, My thoughts on your career: you will find that most catering is from established restaurants (local and tourist). I don't know ab...
Pamela, Take care, hon. We will talk to you soon. LR, Looking forward to the get together. Mmmmm watermelon sounds great! I hope it ...
Yard Bird, I believe, is Southern talk for chickens. They don't fly and you can pen them in a yard...hence the name. I could be wrong. 🙂 Tere...
Okay, I will now call them figs! My landlord just brought me some more today. I guess they produce fruit at least twice a year. They are so tasty! ...
Angie, You may want to check out I agree that Watergate is a nice place to live. I have friends living there and the po...
Hello BW, For the information you provided, you might have luck at the following... try and look at the rentals when you ...
Okay, if I have to commit to a date...:) How about April 2nd or 3rd? I would love to get a slip for those 'short bananas'. Some locals call them fi...
Nancy, August will be here before you know it. 🙂 I had three months to plan and I needed twelve. Good luck with everything! Teresa
It is true. Warm water does make me 'feel' cleaner. I don't know about washing dishes in cold water as far as getting them the cleanest, but I do co...
LR and Pamela, A potting talk get together sounds fun. Count me in! I will be looking at my calendar here soon and see what is happening. I mi...
It has actually been proven that hot water doesn't rid your hands of germs. It is the scrubbing action with soap that rids your hands of germs and di...
Thanks gals! I will try to start a kitchen garden. I have a bamboo plant that isn't doing much, an ivy of some sort sitting in water losing it's gre...
I missed it, but hopefully they replay it. I am sure Trunk Bay was among the top again??? Teresa
I have always had success with sticky traps. You just lay it down in the corners. They seem to like to travel beside the walls, so just about anywhe...
Watermelon coming out your ears?!? You may be planting them in the wrong place. 🙂 Hee hee. I wish I had a place for a garden, seriously everythin...