Honorable Member
Joined: March 3, 2005 3:30 am
Topics: 31 / Replies: 653
Re: Board Survey

Hello All, Long time, no see. I lived on STT from 2004 thru 2006 with husband and three kids and pets. Currently in Atlanta, GA. Nice to see y...

16 years ago
Re: Police said to leave cookies

I love all the people who think they can beat up the criminals and get by with it. If you leave them alive they will come back and shoot you. If you...

17 years ago
Re: VI Joke

Too funny Onika. 😉

17 years ago
Re: I waste water! Help me!

Actually, new energy efficient dish washers use less water than most people do with handwashing. On island though we washed dishes in the sink and ha...

17 years ago
Re: How bad is the crime?

I just have to add my two cents. I agree with Trade on this one. I lived on island two years (2004-2006) with husband and three kids. Read my archi...

17 years ago
Re: Thank You!!

Hey, who you calling 'cranky'? And who is doing the bashing??? Hey, I am just joking! As I have said many times, people laugh at me all the time, so...

17 years ago
Re: should we do it?

My philosophy on all things island has changed so much and again it is hard for me to weigh in on it all. You never know til you try. We lived on is...

17 years ago
Re: Cats out of the bag

We will be reading it! We started a blog when we moved, but I couldn't find the time to keep up with it. My move was well documented on these sites ...

17 years ago
Re: How Do You Do It??

We took on the challenge of moving to STT and lived there two years. Honestly not much can prepare you for life on island. It is a different experie...

17 years ago
Re: Does anyone know what this is?

the 'tarantulas' and wolf spiders are rarely seen and usually only come out at night. In fact I didn't see many spiders at all during the day, but th...

17 years ago
Re: Crime

GNT, It sounds like you are already completely decided on your move, so I won't elaborate on the negatives. Crime is an issue on STT, but if you...

17 years ago
Re: Same Old, Same Old...

Lizard, What's your point? Are you trying to say that crime is higher or lower or the same as the islands? Or something else? Teresa (conf...

17 years ago
Re: Stumping for money, not votes...

Think a little harder people. I haven't decided who I am voting for, however Obama is trying to raise funds to support his campaign without taking mo...

17 years ago
Re: Website designer

www.toadandtart.com had her website recently updated and built up. You might ask her if Island Paul is available for your website. You can email him...

17 years ago
Re: Is a BVI boycott appropriate? ...What???

LOL! Lizard, I did mean the free speech part. I was really tired when I wrote that and the funny thing is that I am helping my son study the constit...

17 years ago
Re: Is a BVI boycott appropriate? ..MAYBE...

If you don't know all the facts and have all the info, jumping to conclusions and calling for a full boycott is not very smart. In my opinion, it isn...

17 years ago
Re: What the $%^&*(

What happened with Joff?

17 years ago
Re: Favicon

I had to re-bookmark the site to get the red dots. The vacation board has a yellow VI symbol. Island Paul, you are so observant! As many bookmarks ...

17 years ago
Re: crime

awaddle, Go to places where there are people. In other words, don't go to a secluded beach or walk streets at night where there are no people, i...

17 years ago
Re: Live Messenger Webcam Test

Neil, My husband works for an internet provider on island, but we can't help you with the video part. I will tell you though that getting phone ...

18 years ago
Re: This is to serve Notice

Thanks Lizard. After living on STT for two years we are just going to visit from now on. Although if I win the lottery, I will buy a nice vacation h...

18 years ago
Re: This is to serve Notice

Damn. I have missed a lot lately... Teresa

18 years ago
18 years ago
Re: School Enrollment Experience

Oh sweetie that's nutting. Ask for a schedule or calendar and you might as well ask for the moon. 🙂 Honestly, if you can get thru the first year,...

18 years ago
Re: What the $%^&*(

Tillet Gardens in Tutu or 'the country'. Jack's has great food. I miss their signature salad with ahi tuna so much! Do they still have the second l...

18 years ago
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