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Joined: June 11, 2012 2:02 pm
Topics: 10 / Replies: 72
Re: Wacky Question For The Day

So sorry, I put the hyper link in but it didn't show up in the final post, let's try again.

13 years ago
Re: Wacky Question For The Day

I found all the contacts on the VI Dept of Agri web site The contact for Wanda Wright is not in service but the rest seem to be working. It doesn't...

13 years ago
Re: Wacky Question For The Day

Thank you all so much.

13 years ago
Replies: 9
Views: 1579
Re: Supreme Court Upholds ObamaCare!!!

My understanding is that they have to have a plan in place not pay for it. I know that my hubby right now is offered health insurance through his job ...

13 years ago
Re: Supreme Court Upholds ObamaCare!!!

My initial understanding of this was that no matter what the companies are charging you have to pay it. The government would decide if you could affor...

13 years ago
Re: Supreme Court Upholds ObamaCare!!!

Is this going to affect the VI or is the government there able to bypass it?

13 years ago
Re: WOW...Really Cares About Customers

I know that after 16 years of owning a small business while the kids finished school that if you are willing to go the extra mile or 10 for your custo...

13 years ago
Re: Finally .... the much needed Sports Complex .... Ha?

Just throwing this out there because I really don't know how one would go about it. Schlitterbahn runs the #1 water park in the country, San Antonio, ...

13 years ago
Re: WOW...Really Cares About Customers

We have visited the islands but will be making another slightly extended PMV to be certain that it's St Croix that would fit best. If it turns out dif...

13 years ago
Re: WOW...Really Cares About Customers

I don't think "got my dander up" would be accurate but, considering the amount of money an agent makes on every house deal it surprised me. No, would ...

13 years ago
Re: WOW...Really Cares About Customers

Asked if they could add it, yes or no would have been acceptable, it wasn't feedback it was a request.

13 years ago
Replies: 31
Views: 4687
Re: Moving to St. Croix with a large dog

You are right, I checked, however you can still fly the cats or even the dogs if you are going domestic and they are in the cabin with you. Of course ...

13 years ago
Re: Moving to St. Croix with a large dog

I don't think short snouts are the reason. My Persians fly and they have no nose. If the vet fills out an acclimation certificate it's no problem, the...

13 years ago
Re: Moving to St. Croix with a large dog

Last I heard ALL pits even mixes were banned. Did that change? My son lives in another state and I wanted to pay to have him bring the dog last time h...

13 years ago
Re: Finally .... the much needed Sports Complex .... Ha?

I believe the open bid to all companies qualified came to be to avoid the monopoly that some companies had in different areas. Military, sports facili...

13 years ago
Re: Hermit Crabs

Do land crabs have a similar taste to sea crabs or is the salty taste missing?

13 years ago
Re: Building a Home On STX

Thank you all so much for the input. We have taken all into consideration and decided that we need to buy an existing home with the open possibility o...

13 years ago
Re: need info

Sorry, can't help but jump in with my 2 cents. First of all if you want a question answered please make it a whole question and be specific. Some...

13 years ago
Re: tax refunds

I'm not living there yet but....ran across this news site for STX and they want people to bring their complaints to their attention news contact ...

13 years ago
Re: Building a Home On STX

So, terry, the only thing done is the driveway is cut in or is the first list done as well? Where is it, how big and how much are you asking? *-)

13 years ago
Replies: 47
Views: 6040
Re: Hermit Crabs

You guys are making me hungry! How long do you purge them Ronnie?

13 years ago
Re: Info on creepy crawlies???

Very much appreciated old tart. I bookmarked the page.

13 years ago
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