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Joined: September 6, 2007 11:23 am
Topics: 35 / Replies: 85
17 years ago
Replies: 9
Views: 1255
Re: someone in St. Thomas...

Alley, Please don't take this the wrong way....(:) what do you have to contribute? House keeping skills, money etc Peter

17 years ago
Re: Influential people and networking.

DJWILL07, You can search jobs in the Island Trader on-line at www.islandtrader.vidaily.com You could also place an ad and see if you get a...

17 years ago
Re: Shipping Wranglers

Island grace, Think long and hard about shipping your jeep, its not just the shipping charge there are taxes to be paid once you arrive, quoted f...

17 years ago
Re: Looking for a place

Jerry, If you are on Saint Thomas, pick up a Island trader, or you can look on-line, www.islandtrader.vidaily.com a new issue should come out tod...

17 years ago
Re: Housing overlooking airport

Thank-you very much everyone, some of the names and locations are starting to fall in place. Peter

17 years ago
Re: Housing overlooking airport

Thanks! Is there a landmark or something you can give me? When you say get up the hill up higher than a certain cross street or developement or someth...

17 years ago
Re: Influential people and networking.

East Ender I believe you are 100% correct with the work ethic and positive attitude and Sherri your correct as well, I obviously overthought the whole...

17 years ago
Re: Influential people and networking.

Well, its not a matter of good or bad, I was very ,very luck, I have done poorly in interviews before. Interviewing 101 suggests you find out as much ...

17 years ago
Replies: 9
Views: 1487
Re: Influential people and networking.

Thank-you, I had my interview and got the job!

17 years ago
Re: Starting a Business?

Also here is the government website that provides info for licenses etc. Peter

17 years ago
Re: Tar as roof coating?

Tar or asphalt roofing is common, provides a good water seal however does nothing to reflect the suns rays and I would never apply it and then collect...

17 years ago
Re: looking for part time manicure/pedicure job.

Hello, Below is a link to the VI government site, I also have a cosmo license from N.Y., so I knew where to look, I would call to see if they have r...

17 years ago
Re: Banks on STT

Thanks for the heads up, I'm used to that after living in PR, I carry my SSN card which only identifies my enrollment in the social security program, ...

17 years ago
Re: Banks on STT

Right-on! You've been a great help to me Trade al along here, Perhaps we'll get a chance to meet and I can reward you with a cold beverage of your c...

17 years ago
17 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 1388
Replies: 5
Views: 1500
Replies: 0
Views: 1048
Re: Taxes and paychecks

Right on Trade! I found an excellent government website and thats what was confusing me, since I live in PR this last year and will start fresh on STT...

17 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 1138
Re: GACOROOF Silicone Roof Coating re; Cisterns

Doug, Good call, as a contractor in PR I have had vast dealings with these elastomeric coatings, they seal and greatly reduce the heat by reflect...

17 years ago
Re: STT - Northside apartment for rent - available 12/1

Suzette, Does this include utilities?..........if not, what utilities would the renter be subject to?. Peter

17 years ago
Re: Shipping Service Recommendations

Ace, I used Crowley to ship a two bedroom from upstate NY to Puerto Rico. This is what I learned, shed excess stuff, its easier to travel with mo...

17 years ago
Re: resumes

Trade, Do you have a computer and printer, with at least Microsoft office? I haven't wrote a resume in years, I needed one and needed one fast. I...

17 years ago
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