Reputable Member
Joined: November 29, 2010 3:34 pm
Topics: 33 / Replies: 462
Re: BBVI Slow on East End STX

Holy moly. Are you all subscribing to the BBVI higher tiers of service? I'm a basic tier subscriber and get 1.94 down / .64 up pretty consistently.

7 years ago
Re: AWD vs FWD

I would not recommend AWD as a general rule. I have had two now, and while there is a benefit to the extra agility of an awd car, it is outweighed, i...

7 years ago
Re: What is the "REAL" Situation on STT & STJ

What I have seen is people are at their best. What I have heard is people are at their worst. What I have learned is that people under stres...

8 years ago
Re: VING allowed to seize private guns and ammo?!?!

Exactly. That's what the critical thinking comment was about. So are you denying the truth because of the source? What truth? We're denying...

8 years ago
Re: Power outage East end St. Croix

Um, it will take some time. The procedure is they check the main line (along the road) and disconnect all the communities, then energize the main line...

8 years ago
Re: VING allowed to seize private guns and ammo?!?!

The source of information seems to be the "daily caller." That pretty much says it all. Exactly. Come on, folks, use some critical thinking here...

8 years ago
Re: Tent behind the East End Fire Station

I was wondering the same thing. Anyone?

8 years ago
Re: stacey plaskett

Yeah....but really it was not so bright of her to let her phone leave her hands, with those photos on it. Ummmm if I was her, I would have removed the...

8 years ago
Re: Shipping a new PC?

Just an average PC? I would also check out officemax. I am Apple and always have to use PF. Last time I bought a new MBPro my parents brought it down ...

8 years ago
Replies: 8
Views: 1488
Re: Net metering

Batteries are expensive and take up space. With net metering you can bank your extra power during the day and use Wapa at night and maybe still end u...

8 years ago
Re: trees in golden rock

That's not the VI way, it's the Asplundh way. It's unfortunate, and it's a real frustration to arborists, but it does make sense if you think abo...

8 years ago
Re: Net metering

I've never understood the attraction of net-metering. Presumably it's WAPA's high cost and poor mamagement and reliability that would drive you t...

8 years ago
Re: Net metering

I've never understood the attraction of net-metering. Presumably it's WAPA's high cost and poor mamagement and reliability that would drive you t...

8 years ago
Re: trees in golden rock

There was an editorial by Bob White in the Avis a few weeks back that the trees were being taken down by order of VIPD. They claimed it was to stop al...

8 years ago
Re: trees in golden rock

-Those trees were nice. It's a shame to see them go so brutally. -Some of them, especially those on the Pueblo side of the road, were ficus trees...

8 years ago
Re: Need a mic cable on STX. Music Authority? Other?

Well I went by Music Authority and happily he seems to be in business, but a sign outside says he's closed this week. No worries, I found what I need...

8 years ago
Re: Need a mic cable on STX. Music Authority? Other?

Won't be here in time. I can borrow what I need from friends if I have to, but would like to support local business when possible.

8 years ago
Re: STX Yacht Center - Gallows Bay Boatyard

Hi Pilatesgal318, Yes Judd was great, but I was referring to Terry ( I remembered his name and edited the post accordingly) who has worked there for...

8 years ago
Re: STX Yacht Center - Gallows Bay Boatyard

As an occasional contractor with the place over the years, I can say that Krisztina in the office, Winston in the store, and Terry in the yard are awe...

8 years ago
Re: Can you recommend an online tire source?

I think TireRack ships to VI using USPS second day. I think so too. They're one of the places I'm looking. Just replacing tires with the ...

8 years ago
Replies: 11
Views: 1815
Re: Cost of Laying Concrete Block STX

There is no widely accepted standard that I am aware of. Once I was stunned to get an estimate of $2.75/block which I thought was very professionally...

8 years ago
Re: Thought I'd share!

Very nice! Thank you.

8 years ago
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