Noble Member
Joined: June 9, 2014 6:41 pm
Topics: 65 / Replies: 1820
Re: Bicycle lanes

Widening some these roads on STT 4 feet would created either sheer cliffs or would require literally removing a mountain. Scott Free, Hull Bay Road, e...

8 years ago
Re: Walmart survey

OT. We are holding off on any purchases until I hear final word on that potential life change. Should hear by early next week.

8 years ago
Re: Health Insurance woes

You think hospitals take losses like that? We all pay based on higher prices for deadbeats who thought they were young and healthy. Just like corporat...

8 years ago
Re: Walmart survey

If you buy the $49 shipping pass, the rest of your purchases are free shipping. Also, I have called amazon numerous times and had my shipping charges ...

8 years ago
Re: Health Insurance woes

Why do you think you need health insurance? If you're young and healthy, why bother. The VI offers you the opportunity to save that money you would ha...

8 years ago
Re: Walmart survey

The Wal-Mart shipping pass works here. For sure

8 years ago
Re: Health Insurance woes

You may be able to get a travel insurance policy to hold you over until you can secure health insurance in the VI. I think travel policies are good up...

8 years ago
Re: Evidence released before trial in STX officer murders

And here I sit . . . . out of popcorn again. I'm out of popcorn AND awaiting the results of my highly effective cost effective drug test

8 years ago
Re: Member of Governor's security detail nabbed with cocaine at airport

Well, yes, an opinion column is exactly the same as studies. It's also funny that people pigeonhole me as "liberal". Hardly the case.. Like I said, th...

8 years ago
Re: Member of Governor's security detail nabbed with cocaine at airport

I thought about it quite a bit and I'm giving it up here arguing with the lot of you. Ill rest easy knowing my generation may change the silliness bro...

8 years ago
Re: Member of Governor's security detail nabbed with cocaine at airport

I'd really be interested to see the demographics of those who are shills for Big Drug test and Big Insurance. I mean those in favor of drug testing.

9 years ago
Re: A synopsis of the current health care insurance coverage dilemma

"Claim you do recreational sailing" or as the law calls it fraud. Voila

9 years ago
Re: Member of Governor's security detail nabbed with cocaine at airport

There are multiple studies. Ill link them all later. I'm off to enjoy the day with my boy. I sure hope everyone driving today has been drug tested. I ...

9 years ago
Re: Member of Governor's security detail nabbed with cocaine at airport

Again, the evidence is not there. Read the blessed article. Google it. The only "evidence" is provided by insurance companies and companies that provi...

9 years ago
Re: Member of Governor's security detail nabbed with cocaine at airport

I don't know exactly why you're opposed to drug testing for certain postions especially as it pertains to the topic. Not welfare recipients. I'm sor...

9 years ago
Re: Member of Governor's security detail nabbed with cocaine at airport

Did you read the article. There is very weak evidence suggesting drug testing makes places safer. This is insurance companies covering their behinds.

9 years ago
Re: Member of Governor's security detail nabbed with cocaine at airport

Have I stuttered here? They are ineffective. They do not stop people from abusing substances on a daily basis. They are cost prohibitive. They are an ...

9 years ago
Re: Member of Governor's security detail nabbed with cocaine at airport

I would really like to know the demographics of this forum as it relates to being in favor of drug testing. I have a hunch I know.. but...

9 years ago
Re: Member of Governor's security detail nabbed with cocaine at airport

Yes because passing a drug test one day you ensures drugs will need never be used. Yeah. I'm the idiot. What a f@cknozzle. If you think I don't check ...

9 years ago
Re: Member of Governor's security detail nabbed with cocaine at airport

40% of workplace accidents and deaths are caused by someone drunk or on drugs. Tell me again how much safer drug testing makes everyone? Drug testing ...

9 years ago
Re: Member of Governor's security detail nabbed with cocaine at airport

This has little to do with my sister other than knowing how easy they are to beat. I think they are an infridgement on personal liberty. Period. Now I...

9 years ago
Re: Member of Governor's security detail nabbed with cocaine at airport

Did you see the police report of the dead officer? Never mentions pile of cocaine. So presumably you saw it. One hypothesis is that there was n...

9 years ago
Re: Member of Governor's security detail nabbed with cocaine at airport

Johnny.. I'm so glad you knowing a pilot passed a drug test 2 months ago makes you feel all warm and safe but that test means squat the day you g...

9 years ago
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