Dog fighting is illegal in the VI. Thanks, again geekgirl1337 for the support. Please sign and share. Or not as the case may be. /blockquote...
It is a federal law since 2014 as part of a farm act. The VI again thinks they can ignore federal law, and they can if nobody enforces. Yup, this...
Uhh, the "show me you have popular support and I'll back a bill" is kind of common pretty much everywhere, isn't it? Well, that and "show me the money...
Aren't most cabinet level positions appointed by both the federal government and states? I don't care about this appointment either way. If you are st...
No one is angry. If a senator is willing to sponsor a bill, which I have seen no confirmation of, have the spine to stand up for what is right not on ...
Here is possible solution. Oh no a GMO solution. 😉
Depends on who labels it. According to people like the Food Babe, nearly everything is "toxic". Hence why all these people now are selling "cleanses" ...
I am against this practice for sure. I've actually been to a cockfight and it's pretty barbaric.
How many signatures did the senators gather when then they decided they were going to split $1.5 million to use as campaign slush funds... Err I mean ...
We have just booked our trip to STX to have our son see the fine doctors at San Luis' Dept of Child Butchery. Pretty excited.
The word "toxic" should be taken in the same light as "organic" these days. Both are marketing words.
So why doesn't this senator just sponsor a bill? There is no requirement to have online petition support is there? I'm not trying to be negative but t...
I pay a flat rate inclusive of cable, Internet and wapa. So no bills with physical address. Lease agreement and title to car or like you said insuranc...
Nope. No gennies needed in Peterborg. Our power never went out.
I love the arrogance of people who think man can destroy earth.
Exactly. By adopting GMOs we reduce the carbon footprint immensely over organic farming. Praise Science!
The good folks at the International Chemtrail Association have this under control with their heavy metal nanoparticle dispersal systems. Dimmer skies ...
We live on west facing slope. Little breeze plus I'm heated up watching my alma mater get thrashed.
Sorry to hear that. AC running here in Peterborg
I don't care how anyone voted one way or another. They don't have our best interests in mind (this is not an exclusive USVI thing either). I live my l...
If I were having the outages you are having I would not be happy either. Luckily we have had 2 outages in our new place since September. One was 10 mi...
So environmentalists are against sugar cane farming, against GMO sugar beets.. Do they think sugar comes from Elf Farts? The environmental movement is...
Neither does reliable, consistent service. This was my first outage of over 10 minutes in at least 5 months. I dunno. It's surely not perfect but...
Exactly why we need to eliminate humans and start building our nanobot rulers. Joking aside, human error happens. That is just a way of life. We went ...
Hershey's has decided to stop using sugar from GM sugar beets. I can't find the article I was reading earlier, but they said their decision was not ba...