Will the app show cars stopped in road to pick mangos and guava berries from roadside? Or packs of dogs roaming the roads? Just check WGOST on Faceboo...
I love the theatre district on STT, so close to the financial district. All the giant skyscrapers on this flat land totally brings me back to NYC. If ...
The only thing about STT that remotely resembles Manhattan are some of the prices. I don't get either analogy. STT can feel crowded on certain days. E...
This takes sour grapes to a whole nutha level. If only the Internet were around when employers jerked me around in the past I would have taken to the ...
Why is Google considered the most evil? If you understand what Meta data is (basically: data about data) and how powerful it is, then you look in...
That's me!! ("44 that's me", who has seen that commercial for Geico? Love it!) It is a great commercial CT 😉
Welcome coat tails
Make popcorn. I've got a sleeping boy and lots of time Moringa garlic bread is wonderful - right out of the oven it's sheer heaven!!! I think ea...
Why is Google considered the most evil? If you understand what Meta data is (basically: data about data) and how powerful it is, then you look in...
I have half a dozen loaves of bread baking in the oven and I think that says a lot about the whole state of affairs. Make popcorn. I've got a sle...
Though the headline says country, the ranking is by state /blockquote> That isn't what the table even shows. It shows guilty verdicts of publ...
I'm being serious. Who ranked us #2 in corruption? Is this like the Natural News poll who ranked Monsanto "most evil company"? It's not so...
I'm being serious. Who ranked us #2 in corruption? Is this like the Natural News poll who ranked Monsanto "most evil company"? there's No way Mon...
I'm being serious. Who ranked us #2 in corruption? Is this like the Natural News poll who ranked Monsanto "most evil company"?
Considering we've been listed as being the second most corrupt, it would be a start. Who listed VI as second most corrupt? This is disappointing. Li...
The federal government creates many of the problems then wants oversight? Ok. I guess Lets absolve PR of any responsibility I thought you...
The federal government creates many of the problems then wants oversight? Ok. I guess
Well that isn't very nice. Sanctimonious and foul mouthed. Not a very good combo. I'm sure you are trying your best though.
(td) to OT and Sparty!!! (tu) to Alana and Watruw for caring about the environment IN WHICH WE ALL LIVE and the creatures that our carelessness a...
No rest for the wicked. I'm just continually amazed at how well people here have all their own personal crap together, that they have time to make sur...
No. I realized it wasn't gas after all. It's the level of sanctimony, that I guess I attribute to being in a small community, that eats at my very sou...
I have been lectured now about balloons, plastic bags and straws, with calls for banning things for the two latter ones. I laugh every time and say Ba...
Im from Detroit area too, and I concur, the roads on STT, while bad, are WAY better than the majority of Detroit area roads. The only difference is in...
"so I went to a virgin islands website enquiring about some balloons for a friend's party and I was talked down to and lectured... So nice, soooo niii...