Noble Member
Joined: June 9, 2014 6:41 pm
Topics: 65 / Replies: 1820
8 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 1401
Re: Airport or Port Auth Employee??

Port Authority closed all marine ports as of 8 am tomorrow. Also, the coast guard all bailed today. Family flown to FL, them to PR

8 years ago
Re: Hurricane Irma - 11am update

Can we not politicize a GD Cat 4, possibly Cat 5 storm when she gets here? Lives are at stake.

8 years ago
Re: Hurricane Irma - 11am update

They cancelled my mom's flight in Wednesday today.

8 years ago
Re: Hurricane Irma - 11am update

The European model animation is bad

8 years ago
Re: Hurricane Irma - 11am update

European model has direct hit for STJ and STT now. NHC has been slowly revising their track closer and closer as well. Bunker down.

8 years ago
Re: Hurricane Irma - 11am update

The tracker from stormcaribe was at 100+ miles 2 days ago, 77 miles yesterday, 44 miles today. The trend is against us.

8 years ago
Re: Hurricane Irma - 11am update

Each subsequent update the cone gets further and further south. This is getting more and more real on STT

8 years ago
Re: Hurricane Irma - 11am update

My mom is scheduled to come Wednesday. I'm sure that will be cancelled.

8 years ago
Re: Hurricane Irma - 11am update

As busy as the beach are today you'd never know there's a hurricane on it's way. Had a nice time at Magens today. Got the yard furniture and pool...

8 years ago
Re: Hurricane Irma - 11am update

I was in at Walgreen yesterday who worked at airport. She said STT closes when winds get above 35mph

8 years ago
Re: Hurricane Irma - 11am update

Euro model composite. Not good.

8 years ago
Re: Hurricane Irma - 11am update

Irma turned wsw faster than they forecast. It is going to be close now.

8 years ago
Re: Hurricane Irma - 11am update

Most models have it skirting to our north now which is great news. What isn't is the new wave south of Cape Verde's. 80% chance already to be named st...

8 years ago
Re: Hurricane Irma - 11am update

US model has it definitely going north. Euro model still taking it close to us. Hopefully Euro is as wrong about this one as they were right about San...

8 years ago
Re: Governor Mapp takes to social media to go after citizen

Both contestants might be better served enjoying time at the beach. In fairness, it was dark. :S #Omell2018

8 years ago
Re: Governor Mapp takes to social media to go after citizen

What a douche-bag....Mapp not Sparty. Hopefully he will be voted out next go. But we all know what will happen. He'll send out a few tax returns throw...

8 years ago
Re: Governor Mapp takes to social media to go after citizen

The entire healthcare system is broken. First, when people are admitted to the hospital, they must be treated. There is no place to "dump" them, no pu...

8 years ago
Re: Governor Mapp takes to social media to go after citizen

I was most happy to see citizens of the VI; young, intelligent, enthusiastic citizens calling Mr. Mapp out. We face enough problems here without mistr...

8 years ago
Re: Mapp on Health Care in the VI in the Atlantic

Governor Mapp was angry someone (me) called him out on his claims of Universal Healthcare.

8 years ago
Re: Auto Insurance

Guardian works for me. My one beater car I pay like $275/yr for PLPD and my one nice car (wife's vehicle) is about $1100/yr for full coverage with $50...

8 years ago
Re: Harvey!

In Corpus Christi talking about what a great turnout. You can't make this sh@t up

8 years ago
Re: new president

I love when YouTube videos are evidence. If you did not read, nor understand Popper's Tolerance Paradox that is on you. If you think BLM is the proble...

8 years ago
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